1. For whom are the stray toys of castaway boys
Left to roam the wild plains where the horses graze?
١. لِمَن سَواقِطُ صِبيانٍ مُنَبَّذَةٍ
باتَت تَفَحَّصُ في بَطحاءِ أَجيادِ
2. Left to birth whatever their birth-givers may be -
Just beasts and valley sprites are their midwives.
٢. باتَت تَمَخَّضُ ما كانَت قَوابِلُها
إِلّا الوُحوشَ وَإِلّا جِنَّةَ الوادي
3. One boy has a mother of noble descent -
At the peak of a noble and ancient line,
٣. فيهِم صَبِيٌّ لَهُ أُمٌّ لَها نَسَبٌ
في ذُروَةٍ مِن ذُرى الأَحسابِ أُبّادِ
4. Crying weakly as labor pains rack her frame:
"Would I herded the mountain goats passing by!"
٤. تَقولُ وَهناً وَقَد جَدَّ المَخاضُ بِها
يا لَيتَني كُنتُ أَرعى الشَولَ لِلغادي
5. They left him there, lips cracked from the sun's hot blaze,
Though his uncle and father are lords of the tribe.
٥. قَد غادَروهُ لِحُرِّ الوَجهِ مُنعَفِراً
وَخالُها وَأَبوها سَيِّدُ النادي