
I find you did not get excited about the drawing of houses,

أجدك لم تهتج لرسم المنازل

1. I find you did not get excited about the drawing of houses,
And the home of kings above those in chains,

١. أَجِدَّكَ لَم تَهتَج لِرَسمِ المَنازِلِ
وَدارِ مُلوكٍ فَوقَ ذاتِ السَلاسِلِ

2. The Pleiades shine above it and it contained
For it a coolness that flows to the roots of the lowlands,

٢. تَجودُ الثُرَيّا فَوقَها وَتَضَمَّنَت
لَها بَرَداً يُذري أُصولَ الأَسافِلِ

3. If the excuses of the living were their offspring
Vineyards hanging above the most knowing slopes,

٣. إِذا عَذِراتُ الحَيِّ كانَ نِتاجُها
كُروماً تَدَلّى فَوقَ أَعرَفَ مائِلِ

4. Homes made prosperous by God, shepherds of declination
Did not enter them from behind the screens,

٤. دِيارٌ زَهاها اللَهُ لَم يَعتَلِج بِها
رِعاءُ الشَوِيِّ مِن وَراءِ الشَوائِلِ

5. So whatever I may be, I am not a liar,
And not betraying the trusted, courteous companion,

٥. فَمَهما يَكُن مِنّي فَلَستُ بِكاذِبٍ
وَلَستُ بِخَوّانِ الأَمينِ المُجامِلِ

6. And if I say something I do it,
And turn away from what my heart is not doing,

٦. وَإِنّي إِذا ما قُلتُ قَولاً فَعَلتُهُ
وَأُعرِضُ عَمّا لَيسَ قَلبي بِفاعِلِ

7. And whoever forces me, if I want not to say it
And the agony of the trusted is no use,

٧. وَمَن مُكرِهي إِن شِئتُ أَن لا أَقولُهُ
وَفَجعُ الأَمينِ شيمَةٌ غَيرُ طائِلِ