1. We spent nights on the soft sand
With a vast, wide-stepping camel,
١. أَقَمنا عَلى الرَسِّ النَزيعِ لَيالِياً
بِأَرعَنَ جَرّارٍ عَريضِ المَبارِكِ
2. Bearing all supplies - its body half its load's size,
And tall, saddle-cloths trailing the ground.
٢. بِكُلِّ كُمَيتٍ جَوزُهُ نِصفُ خَلقِهِ
وَقُبٍّ طِوالٍ مُشرِفاتِ الحَوارِكِ
3. You see the roaming bedouin scattering its roots around -
Tracks of galloping riding-beasts crisscrossing.
٣. تَرى العَرفَجَ العامِيَّ تُذري أُصولَهُ
مَناسِمُ أَخفافِ المَطِيِّ الرَواتِكِ
4. When they depart a camp, it seems long inhabited
By thronging fair-goers contending in races.
٤. إِذا اِرتَحَلوا مِن مَنزِلٍ خِلتَ أَنَّهُ
مُدَمَّنُ أَهلِ المَوسِمِ المُتَعارِكِ
5. We march, so gazelles cannot outrun us
Though they strained utmost to escape.
٥. نَسيرُ فَلا تَنجو اليَعافيرُ وَسطَنا
وَلَو وَأَلَت مِنّا بِشَدٍّ مُواشِكِ
6. Leave the lowlands of Syria - blocking the way
Are deadly blows like the maws of labouring she-camels.
٦. ذَروا فَلَجاتِ الشَأمِ قَد حالَ دونَها
ضِرابٌ كَأَفواهِ المَخاضِ الأَوارِكِ
7. By hands of men emigrating to their Lord,
And His allies in truth, and the angels' hands.
٧. بِأَيدي رِجالٍ هاجَروا نَحوَ رَبِّهِم
وَأَنصارِهِ حَقّاً وَأَيدي المَلائِكِ
8. If houris descend from the sands of Alaj,
Say to them the road does not lie that way.
٨. إِذا هَبَطَت حَورانَ مِن رَملِ عالِجٍ
فَقولا لَها لَيسَ الطَريقُ هُنالِكِ
9. And if we meet Furat ibn Hayyan in our rounds searching,
He will be prey to perishing ruin.
٩. فَإِن نَلقَ في تَطوافِنا وَاِلتِماسِنا
فُراتَ بنَ حَيّانٍ يَكُن رَهنَ هالِكِ
10. And if next we meet Qais ibn Imri al-Qais,
We'll add more blackness to his darkened face.
١٠. وَإِن نَلقَ قَيسَ بنِ اِمرِئِ القَيسِ بَعدَهُ
نَزِد في سَوادِ وَجهِهِ لَونَ حالِكِ
11. So pass on to Abu Sufyan from me a message -
You are the wickedest of treacherous men.
١١. فَأَبلِغ أَبا سُفيانَ عَنّي رِسالَةً
فَإِنَّكَ مِن شَرِّ الرِجالِ الصَعالِكِ