
Tell the tribe of Umar that their brother

أبلغ بني عمر بأن أخاهم

1. Tell the tribe of Umar that their brother
Was bought by a treacherous man accustomed to deceit

١. أَبلِغ بَني عَمرٍ بِأَنَّ أَخاهُمُ
شَراهُ اِمرُؤٌ قَد كانَ لِلغَدرِ لازِما

2. He was bought by Zuheir ibn Al-Aghar and his accomplice
Who have long been mounting the forbidden

٢. شَراهُ زُهَيرُ بنُ الأَغَرِّ وَجامِعٌ
وَكانا قَديماً يَركَبانِ المَحارِما

3. You granted them safety, but when you granted them safety, they betrayed
And you were destroying their retreating army

٣. أَجَرتُم فَلَمّا أَن أَجَرتُم غَدَرتُمُ
وَكُنتُم بِأَكنافِ الرَجيعِ لَهاذِما

4. If only the people had been cautious of those who betrayed them
Your group that gathered would have returned unharmed

٤. فَلَو حَذِرَ القَومُ الَّذينَ غَدَرتُمُ
بِهِم جَمعَكُم لَم يَرجِعِ الجَمعُ سالِما

5. If only Khubyab's loyalty had not failed him
If only Khubyab had known about the people's plans

٥. فَلَيتَ خُبَيباً لَم تَخُنهُ أَمانَةٌ
وَلَيتَ خَبيباً كانَ بِالقَومِ عالِما