1. You asked the Quraysh, and they did not lie,
So ask Wahwah and Abu Amer,
١. سَأَلتَ قُرَيشاً فَلَم يَكذِبوا
فَسَل وَحوَحاً وَأَبا عامِرِ
2. What is the origin of Hassan among his people,
And questions are not like news.
٢. ما أَصلُ حَسّانَ في قَومِهِ
وَلَيسَ المُسائِلُ كَالخابِرِ
3. If they were truthful, they would tell you
That we are of noble and victorious lineage,
٣. فَلَو يَصدُقونَ لَأَنبَوكُمُ
بِأَنّا ذَوُو الحَسَبِ القاهِرِ
4. And that we are quick to the fray,
Repulsing the insolent, transgressing youth.
٤. وَأَنّا مَساعيرُ عِندَ الوَغى
نَرُدُّ شَبا الأَبلَخِ الفاجِرِ
5. I inherited gallantry and generosity
And glory from many a magnificent ancestor.
٥. وَرِثتُ الفَعالَ وَبَذلَ التِلا
دِ وَالمَجدَ عَن كابِرٍ كابِرِ
6. And took upon myself blood-money and ransom,
And honor and noble rank.
٦. وَحَملَ الدِياتِ وَفَكَّ العُنا
ةِ وَالعِزَّ في الحَسَبِ الفاخِرِ
7. The shoulders of every tall, fully armed warrior,
And bright-faced, graceful, slender-waisted.
٧. بِكُلِّ مَتينٍ أَصَمِّ الكُعو
بِ وَأَبيَضَ ذي رَونَقٍ باتِرِ
8. And white-faced women like prohibition, languid,
Swaying with chubby, round-faced infants.
٨. وَبَيضاءَ كَالنَهيِ فَضفاضَةٍ
تَثَنّى بِعولٍ عَلى الناشِرِ
9. With them we while away the watches of the night
When the dawn gleams for the onlooker.
٩. بِها نَختَلي مُهَجَ الدارِعي
نَ إِذا نَوَّرَ الصُبحُ لِلناظِرِ
10. When people vie for their utmost goals
You will find Zib'ar in the rear.
١٠. إِذا اِستَبَقَ الناسُ غاياتِهِم
وَجَدتَ الزِبَعرى مَعَ الآخِرِ
11. And nothing places a fault in the midst of praise
Like the heavily-armed, eloquent poet.
١١. وَما يَجعَلُ العَيَّ وَسطَ النَدِي
يِ كَالمَحرَبِ المِصقَعِ الشاعِرِ
12. How can an ignorant man disparage me,
One who clings to a shining sword?
١٢. وَكَيفَ يُناصِبُني مُفحَمٌ
يُنَصُّ إِلى مُلصَقٍ بائِرِ
13. Evil is the orator and excellent the hireling,
And the despicable the butcher.
١٣. فَبِئسَ الخَطيبُ وَنِعمَ الأَجيرُ
وَمُستَأبِطُ القِدرِ لِلجازِرِ