
His implements adorned Busra and on a lance

صابت شعائره بصرى وفي رمح

1. His implements adorned Busra and on a lance
Smoke of a burning like gales arises

١. صابَت شَعائِرُهُ بُصرى وَفي رُمَحٍ
مِنهُ دُخانُ حَريقٍ كَالأَعاصيرِ

2. He destroyed Dhi Baal until its dwellers were gone
And every palace of lofty pillars was inhabited

٢. أَفنى بِذي بَعلَ حَتّى بادَ ساكِنُها
وَكُلُّ قَصرٍ مِنَ الخِمّانِ مَعمورِ

3. So a task distracted the people from their needs
From the sting of a jinni in the land of Rome famed

٣. فَأَعجَلَ القَومَ عَن حاجاتِهِم شُغُلٌ
مِن وَخزِ جِنٍّ بِأَرضِ الرومِ مَذكورِ