
For whom has the house become desolate with departure?

لمن الدار أوحشت بمغان

1. For whom has the house become desolate with departure?
Between the heights of Yarmouk and Khamaan

١. لِمَنِ الدارُ أَوحَشَت بِمَغانِ
بَينَ أَعلى اليَرموكِ فَالخَمّانِ

2. The villages of Balas, then my home
O Faskaa, then the lofty palaces

٢. فَالقُرَيّاتِ مِن بَلاسَ فَدارَي
يا فَسَكّاءَ فَالقُصورِ الدَواني

3. The hill of Jaasim, then the valleys of Suf
The plain of Maghnaa, bombs and turmoil

٣. فَقَفا جاسِمٍ فَأَودِيَةِ الصُف
فَرِ مَغنى قَنابِلٍ وَهِجانِ

4. That is the house of the dear one after intimacy
And great pillars of glory

٤. تِلكَ دارُ العَزيزِ بَعدَ أَنيسٍ
وَحُلولٍ عَظيمَةِ الأَركانِ

5. Their mother has withered, and they have withered
The day they went to Haarith of the Golan

٥. هَبِلَت أُمُّهُم وَقَد هَبِلَتهُم
يَومَ حَلّوا بِحارِثِ الجَولانِ

6. The new year is near, so the camels are adorned
With elegant carpets and fine cloth

٦. قَد دَنا الفِصحُ فَالوَلائِدُ يَنظِم
نَ قُعوداً أَكِلَّةَ المَرجانِ

7. The Najdi rider collects the threads of silk
Spread over them are containers of linen

٧. يَجتَنينَ الجادِيَّ في ثُقَبِ الرَي
طِ عَلَيها مَجاسِدُ الكَتّانِ

8. They are not blamed for forgiveness and deafness
Nor do we stand at the vein of evil

٨. لا يُعَلَّلنَ بِالمَغافِرِ وَالصَم
غِ وَلا نَقفِ حَنظَلِ الشَريانِ

9. That is the melody of the family of Jafnah in the Dahna
And time goes by inevitably

٩. ذاكَ مَغنىً مِن آلِ جَفنَةَ في الدَه
رِ وَحَقٌّ تَعاقُبُ الأَزمانِ

10. I saw my rightful place there
In the council of the crowned one, my seat and position

١٠. قَد أَراني هُناكَ حَقُّ مَكينٍ
عِندَ ذي التاجِ مَجلِسي وَمَكاني