
The exemplars from the clan of Fihr and their brethren

إن الذوائب من فهر وإخوتهم

1. The exemplars from the clan of Fihr and their brethren
Have set a tradition for people to follow

١. إِنَّ الذَوائِبَ مِن فِهرٍ وَإِخوَتَهُم
قَد بَيَّنوا سُنَّةً لِلناسِ تُتَّبَعُ

2. Pleasing to all whose inner thoughts are
Devotion to God and to the way they pioneered

٢. يَرضى بِها كُلُّ مَن كانَت سَريرَتُهُ
تَقوى الإِلَهِ وَبِالأَمرِ الَّذي شَرَعوا

3. A people who in warfare injured their enemies
Or in seeking benefit benefited their partisans

٣. قَومٌ إِذا حارَبوا ضَروا عَدُوَّهُمُ
أَو حاوَلوا النَفعَ في أَشياعِهِم نَفَعوا

4. Such is their natural disposition, no innovation
Truly the worst of all creatures are innovations

٤. سَجِيَّةٌ تِلكَ مِنهُم غَيرُ مُحدَثَةٍ
إِنَّ الخَلائِقَ حَقّاً شَرُّها البِدَعُ

5. Men do not mend what their palms have rent
In defense, nor do they damage what they have mended

٥. لا يَرقَعُ الناسُ ما أَوهَت أَكُفُّهُمُ
عِندَ الدِفاعِ وَلا يوهونَ ما رَقَعوا

6. If they outstripped people one day, their outstripping triumphed
Or if they vied with men of glory, they took enjoyment

٦. إِن سابَقوا الناسَ يَوماً فازَ سَبقُهُمُ
أَو وازَنوا أَهلَ مَجدٍ بِالنَدى مَتَعوا

7. If there are any outstrippers among people after them
Then each outstripping is a consequence of their outstripping

٧. إِن كانَ في الناسِ سَبّاقونَ بَعدَهُمُ
فَكُلُّ سَبقٍ لِأَدنى سَبقِهِم تَبَعُ

8. They do not begrudge a patron his favors upon them
Nor does greed afflict them in ambition

٨. وَلا يَضِنّونَ عَن مَولىً بِفَضلِهِمِ
وَلا يُصيبُهُمُ في مَطمَعٍ طَبَعُ

9. They are not ignorant even if you seek their ignorance
Spacious is their sagacity, beyond that, latitude

٩. لا يَجهَلونَ وَإِن حاوَلتَ جَهلَهُمُ
في فَضلِ أَحلامِهِم عَن ذاكَ مُتَّسَعُ

10. Their chastity was mentioned in revelation, their continence
They covet not, nor does covetousness cast them down

١٠. أَعِفَّةٌ ذُكِرَت في الوَحيِ عِفَّتُهُم
لا يَطمَعونَ وَلا يُرديهِمُ الطَمَعُ

11. How many a friend whose honor they attained
And how many a hostile foe they broke

١١. كَم مِن صَديقٍ لَهُم نالوا كَرامَتَهُ
وَمِن عَدُوٍّ عَلَيهِم جاهِدٍ جَدَعوا

12. They gave obedience to the Prophet of guidance and righteousness
Never did their support of him waver, nor withdraw

١٢. أَعطَوا نَبِيَّ الهُدى وَالبِرِّ طاعَتَهُم
فَما وَنى نَصرُهُم عَنهُ وَما نَزَعوا

13. If he said march they strove their utmost in marching
Or if he said turn askance from us awhile, they wheeled

١٣. إِن قالَ سيروا أَجَدّوا السَيرَ جَهدَهُمُ
أَو قالَ عوجوا عَلَينا ساعَةً رَبَعوا

14. Their marching did not cease until the people of the cross
And whoever else submitted gained their advantage

١٤. ما زالَ سَيرُهُمُ حَتّى اِستَفادَ لَهُم
أَهلُ الصَليبِ وَمَن كانَت لَهُ البِيَعُ

15. Take from them ungrudgingly when they are wrathful
And let not your concern be for what they forbid

١٥. خُذ مِنهُمُ ما أَتى عَفواً إِذا غَضِبوا
وَلا يَكُن هَمَّكَ الأَمرُ الَّذي مَنَعوا

16. For in their warring, the shedding of their foe's blood
Is an evil that whets the sword and barters lives away

١٦. فَإِنَّ في حَربِهِم فَاِترُك عَداوَتُهُم
شَرّاً يُخاضُ عَلَيهِ الصابُ وَالسَلَعُ

17. We soar when warfare's talons clutch at us
As the spines scatter beneath its claws and shrink away

١٧. نَسمو إِذا الحَربُ نالَتنا مَخالِبُها
إِذا الزَعانِفُ مِن أَظفارِها خَشَعوا

18. No joy if they smote an enemy, no dejection if smitten
As though war's death and havoc crouched, watching them, quiescent

١٨. لا فُرُحٌ إِن أَصابوا مِن عَدُوِّهِمُ
وَإِن أُصيبوا فَلا خورٌ وَلا جُزُعُ

19. When a lion lies at rest in his lair, withdrawn
If we take aim at a people we do not blame

١٩. كَأَنَّهُم في الوَغى وَالمَوتُ مُكتَنِعٌ
أُسدٌ بِبيشَةَ في أَرساغِها فَدَعُ

20. As the young gazelles yearn toward the wilderness, desire
Honor a people whose leader was God's Messenger

٢٠. إِذا نَصَبنا لِقَومٍ لا نَدِبُّ لَهُم
كَما يَدِبُّ إِلى الوَحشِيَّةِ الذَرَعُ

21. When divers passions and sects became separated
My heart's praise of them is seconded by a tongue shaping

٢١. أَكرِم بِقَومٍ رَسولُ اللَهِ قائِدُهُم
إِذا تَفَرَّقَتِ الأَهواءُ وَالشِيَعُ

22. Verily they are the best of all the living
If the earnestness of speech stirs people, or they kindle

٢٢. أَهدى لَهُم مِدحَتي قَلبٌ يُؤازِرُهُ
فيما يُحِبُّ لِسانٌ حائِكٌ صَنَعُ

٢٣. فَإِنَّهُم أَفضَلُ الأَحياءِ كُلِّهِمِ
إِن جَدَّ بِالناسِ جِدُّ القَولِ أَو شَمِعوا