1. Do you know the house whose traces have been effaced
Beyond you towards the torrential, pouring valleys
١. هَل تَعرِفُ الدارَ عَفا رَسمَها
بَعدَكَ صَوبُ المُسبِلِ الهاطِلِ
2. Between the stony ground and the sandy plains
And the winds blowing through the mountain passes
٢. بَينَ السَراديحِ فَأُدمانَةٍ
فَمَدفَعِ الرَوحاءِ في حائِلِ
3. I asked about that place but she was perplexed
Not knowing who was asking and seeking
٣. سَأَلتُها عَن ذاكَ فَاِستَعجَمَت
لَم تَدرِ ما مَرجوعَةُ السائِلِ
4. Leave alone a house whose traces are gone
And weep for Hamza, man of the spears
٤. دَع عَنكَ داراً قَد عَفا رَسمُها
وَاِبكِ عَلى حَمزَةَ ذي النائِلِ
5. When the dust storms swirl violently
In the waning years that are fleeting
٥. أَلمالِئِ الشيزى إِذا أَعصَفَت
غَبراءُ في ذي السَنَةِ الماحِلِ
6. The one who leaves his spear by his spear
Stumbling with enfeebled joints that are wasting
٦. التارِكِ القِرنَ لَدى قِرنِهِ
يَعثُرُ في ذي الخُرُصِ الذابِلِ
7. And the one who charges his horses when they stampede
Like a lion in the thickets, undaunted and bold
٧. وَاللابِسِ الخَيلَ إِذا أَحجَمَت
كَاللَيثِ في غاباتِهِ الباسِلِ
8. A shining white Hashimite in the high peaks
Who never passed by falsehood, upholding the truth
٨. أَبيَضُ في الذَروَةِ مِن هاشِمٍ
لَم يَمرِ دونَ الحَقِّ بِالباطِلِ
9. What's a martyr to do among your spears
That paralyze the hands of a vicious killer
٩. ما لِشَهيدٍ بَينَ أَرماحِكُم
شَلَّت يَدا وَحشِيِّ مِن قاتِلِ
10. A man was betrayed among ravaging armies
Surrounding, vicious, relentlessly toiling
١٠. إِنَّ اِمرَأً غودِرَ في أَلَّةٍ
مَطرورَةٍ مارِنَةِ العامِلِ
11. The earth darkened when he left
And the light of the radiant moon was extinguished
١١. أَظلَمَتِ الأَرضُ لِفِقدانِهِ
وَاِسوَدَّ نورُ القَمَرِ الناصِلِ
12. May Allah bless you in a lofty, honored Garden
For those entering, joyful and gracious
١٢. صَلى عَلَيكَ اللَهُ في جَنَّةٍ
عالِيَةٍ مُكرَمَةِ الداخِلِ
13. We saw Hamza as a refuge protecting us
From every matter that afflicted and opposed
١٣. كُنّا نَرى حَمزَةَ حِرزاً لَنا
مِن كُلِّ أَمرٍ نابَنا نازِلِ
14. In Islam he was unfailing and sound
No weakness or frailty making him fall
١٤. وَكانَ في الإِسلامِ ذا تُدرَءٍ
لَم يَكُ بِالواني وَلا الخاذِلِ
15. Don't rejoice, O Hind, and pretend to cry
Shedding tears and moaning like a bereft mother
١٥. لا تَفرَحي يا هِندُ وَاِستَحلِبي
دَمعاً وَأَذري عَبرَةَ الثاكِلِ
16. Weep for Utbah when he was sliced by the sword
Under the crushing, overwhelming blows
١٦. وَاِبكي عَلى عُتبَةَ إِذ قَطَّهُ
بِالسَيفِ تَحتَ الرَهَجِ الجائِلِ
17. When an elder of yours fell in folly
With a heart ignorant of what was right
١٧. إِذ خَرَّ في مَشيَخَةٍ مِنكُمُ
مِن كُلِّ عاتٍ قَلبُهُ جاهِلِ
18. Hamza drove them back in droves
Walking under the swaying spearheads
١٨. أَرداهُمُ حَمزَةُ في أُسرَةٍ
يَمشونَ تَحتَ الحَلَقِ الذائِلِ
19. The next morning Gabriel was his minister
Excellent minister for the brave cavalier
١٩. غَداةَ جِبريلُ وَزيرٌ لَهُ
نِعمَ وَزيرُ الفارِسِ الحامِلِ