
I used to get upset when insulted, so he insulted me,

قد كنت أغضب أن أسب فسبني

1. I used to get upset when insulted, so he insulted me,
Abd al-Muqammis Mawhib ibn Ribah.

١. قَد كُنتُ أَغضَبُ أَن أُسَبَّ فَسَبَّني
عَبدُ المَقامَةِ مَوهَبُ بنُ رِباحِ

2. A slave of the most despicable breed grew in him
An ignoble, vile scoundrel descended from bandits.

٢. عَبدٌ مِنَ الهُجُنِ اللِئامِ نَمى بِهِ
فَحلٌ لَئيمٌ أَصلُهُ لِسَفاحِ

3. The slave-traders brought him from his land,
So they came with a foul-smelling black beast.

٣. جَلَبَتهُ شارِيَةُ التِجارِ مِنَ اِرضِهِ
فَأَتَوا بِأَسوَدَ مُنتِنِ الأَرواحِ

4. He who seeks profit with his money bought him,
An evil spiteful ape with flaring nostrils.

٤. فَشَراهُ مَن يَبغي الرَباحَ بِمالِهِ
قِرداً خَبيثاً ثائِرَ الصُمّاحِ