1. There was a battle against the son of Zabban
We would have prevailed justly if fate was equal
١. ذَهَبَت بِاِبنِ الزَبَعرى وَقعَةٌ
كانَ مِنّا الفَضلُ فيها لَو عَدَل
2. And indeed you struck us and we struck you
For thus is war, it changes and alternates
٢. وَلَقَد نِلتُم وَنِلنا مِنكُمُ
وَكَذاكَ الحَربُ أَحياناً دُوَل
3. When we were fiercely resolute
We took you by surprise to the mountain slope
٣. إِذ شَدَدنا شَدَّةً صادِقَةً
فاجَأناكُمُ إِلى سَفحِ الجَبَل
4. As you retreated backwards
Fleeing through the ravines like fleeing messengers
٤. إِذ تُوَلّونَ عَلى أَعقابِكُم
هَرَباً في الشَعبِ أَشباهَ الرَسَل
5. We planted our swords in your shoulders
Wherever we thrust them after unsheathing
٥. نَضَعُ الخَطِّيَّ في أَكتافِكُم
حَيثُ نَهوى عَلَلاً بَعدَ نَهَل
6. We felled seventy of you in one place
Besides those who escaped by guile
٦. فَسَدَحنا في مَقامٍ واحِدٍ
مِنكُمُ سَبعينَ غَيرَ المُنتَحَل
7. And we captured your multitudes
So you left like collapsing structures
٧. وَأَسَرنا مِنكُمُ أَعدادَهُم
فَاِنصَرَفتُم مِثلَ إِفلاتِ الحَجَل
8. With the gait of possessed jinn
Whoever sees them panics and shrieks
٨. بِخَناطيلَ كَجِنّانِ المَلا
مَن يُلاقوهُ مِنَ الناسِ يُهَل
9. The most cowardly of you fled
Like young gazelles eating thorns
٩. يَخرُجُ الأَكدَرُ مِن أَستاهِكُم
مِثلَ ذَرقِ النيبِ يَأكُلنَ العَصَل
10. They did not elude us for an instant
Except they fled with exhaustion and failure
١٠. لَم يَفوتونا بِشَيءٍ ساعَةً
غَيرَ أَن وَلَّوا بِجُهدٍ وَفَشَل
11. The ravines were too narrow for us as we pursued them
And we filled them, their valleys and hills,
١١. ضاقَ عَنّا الشِعبُ إِذ نَجزَعُهُ
وَمَلَأنا الفُرطَ مِنهُم وَالرِجَل
12. With men you are not the likes of
Who would aid Gabriel if he sought victory from above
١٢. بِرِجالٍ لَستُمُ أَمثالَهُم
أُيِّدوا جِبريلَ نَصراً فَنَزَل
13. And we prevailed at Badr through piety
Obeying Allah and believing in the messengers
١٣. وَعَلَونا يَومَ بَدرٍ بِالتُقى
طاعَةَ اللَهِ وَتَصديقَ الرُسُل
14. And we left an exposed scar in Quraysh
The day of Badr, and events to narrate as examples
١٤. وَتَرَكنا في قُرَيشٍ عَورَةً
يَومَ بَدرٍ وَأَحاديثَ مَثَل
15. And the Messenger of Allah is truly a witness
To Badr, and the clear signals
١٥. وَرَسولُ اللَهِ حَقّاً شاهِدٌ
يَومَ بَدرٍ وَالتَنابيلُ الهُبَل
16. And we left Quraysh, all of them gathered
Like insects gathered on rotten meat
١٦. وَتَرَكنا مِن قُرَيشٍ جَمعَهُم
مِثلَ ما جُمِّعَ في الخِصبِ الهَمَل
17. And we killed your chieftains
When we met you all like attacking lions
١٧. وَقَتَلنا مِنكُمُ أَهلَ اللِوَا
إِذ لَقيناكُم كَأَنّا أُسدُ طَلّ
18. We killed every leader among them
And every puffed up vain one
١٨. فَقَتَلنا كُلَّ رَأسٍ مِنهُمُ
وَقَتَلنا كُلَّ جَحجاحٍ رِفَلّ
19. How many noble lords did we kill
Gallant, from a line of gallantry, valiant in war
١٩. كَم قَتَلنا مِن كَريمٍ سَيِّدٍ
ماجِدِ الجَدَّينِ مِقدامٍ بَطَل
20. And noble chiefs from a line of glorious chiefs
We do not care who they were when swords clash
٢٠. وَشَريفٍ لِشَريفٍ ماجِدٍ
لا نُباليهِ لَدى وَقعِ الأَسَل
21. When you falsely proclaimed in a deceitful voice
And Abu Sufyan, how lofty his delusions were
٢١. حينَ أَعلَنتُم بِصَوتٍ كاذِبٍ
وَأَبو سُفيانَ كَي يَعلو هُبَل
22. "We, not you, are the sons of Asthah!"
We are the ones in war when war descends
٢٢. نَحنُ لا أَنتُم بَني أَستاهِها
نَحنُ في البَأسِ إِذا البَأسُ نَزَل