
Shall I not send a message to Usāyid?

ألا أبلغا عني أسيدا رسالة

1. Shall I not send a message to Usāyid?
Your maternal uncle is a man well experienced in wine-drinking.

١. أَلا أَبلِغا عَنّي أُسَيداً رِسالَةً
فَخالُكَ عَبدٌ بِالشَرابِ مُجَرَّبُ

2. By your life! Usāyid has not dealt justly with his neighbour;
Nor Khālid, nor the son of al-Mufaddah - Zaynab!

٢. لَعَمرُكَ ما أَوفى أُسيداً لِجارِهِ
وَلا خالِدٌ وَابنُ المُفاضَةِ زَينَبُ

3. And 'Attāb is a slave who pays no heed to obligations -
A liar in all the affairs of his head, a trained ape!

٣. وَعَتّابُ عَبدٌ غَيرُ موفٍ بِذِمَّةٍ
كَذوبُ شُؤُونِِ الرَأسِ قِردٌ مُؤَدَّبُ