
My generous eye with your streaming tears

عين جودي بدمعك المنزور

1. My generous eye with your streaming tears
Remember in prosperity the people of graves

١. عَينُ جودي بِدَمعِكِ المَنزورِ
وَاِذكُري في الرَخاءِ أَهلَ القُبورِ

2. Remember Mu'tah and what was in it
The day they fled the battle of deception

٢. وَاِذكُري مُؤتَةً وَما كانَ فيها
يَومَ وَلَّوا في وَقعَةِ التَغويرِ

3. When they fled and abandoned Zayd
What a good refuge for the weak and imprisoned

٣. حينَ وَلَّوا وَغادَروا ثَمَّ زَيداً
نِعمَ مَأوى الضَريكِ وَالماسورِ

4. Love the best of people, all of them
The master of people, his love in hearts

٤. حِبَّ خَيرِ الأَنامِ طُرّاً جَميعاً
سَيِّدِ الناسِ حُبُّهُ في الصُدورِ

5. That is Ahmad, none other than him
That is my sorrow and joy together

٥. ذاكُمُ أَحمَدُ الَّذي لا سِواهُ
ذاكَ حُزني مَعاً لَهُ وَسُروري

6. Indeed, Zayd was one of us by command
Not the command of the denier, the deluded

٦. إِنَّ زَيداً قَد كانَ مِنّا بِأَمرٍ
لَيسَ أَمرَ المُكَذَّبِ المَغرورِ

7. Then weep, O Khazraji, with tears
He was a master, then changed his purpose

٧. ثُمَّ جودي لِلخَزرَجِيِّ بِدَمعٍ
سَيِّداً كانَ ثَمَّ غَيرَ نَزورِ

8. There has come from their killing enough for us
So in sorrow I sleep, not in joy

٨. قَد أَتانَ مِن قَتلِهِم ما كَفانا
فَبِحُزنٍ نَبيتُ غَيرَ سُرورِ