
A craft is not a craft until its maker finds the way,

إن الصنيعة لا تكون صنيعة

1. A craft is not a craft until its maker finds the way,
So if you've learned a craft, ply it - but leave your pride.

١. إِنَّ الصَنيعَةَ لا تَكونُ صَنيعَةً
حَتّى يُصابَ بِها طَريقُ المَصنَعِ

2. Do it for God, your kin, or not at all, my friend,
Lest skills intended to aid us in life bring misery instead.

٢. فَإِذا صَنَعتَ صَنيعَةً فَاِعمَل بِها
لِلَّهِ أَو لِذَوي القَرابَةِ أَو دَعِ