1. There was honor and protection in the tents of Ariab,
And an eloquent speech whose palm and fingers were simple.
١. وَقَد كانَ في أَريابِ عِزٌّ وَمِنعَةٌ
وَقيلٌ بَسيطٌ كَفُّهُ وَأَنامِلُه
2. Where is the one whose palace Bureida elevated?
And the horseman of Hamdan - who can rival him?
٢. وَأَينَ الَذي عَلّى بُرَيدَةُ قَصرَهُ
وَفارِسُ هَمدانٍ فَمَن ذا يُنازِلُه