1. You have ignorantly led Kinana to enmity against the Messenger
So the army of Allah will disgrace her
١. سُقتُم كِنانَةَ جَهلاً مِن عَداوَتِكُم
إِلى الرَسولِ فَجُندُ اللَهِ مُخزيها
2. You have brought her to the meadows of death joyfully blooming
So the Fire is her fate and slaughter will meet her
٢. أَورَدتُموها حِياضَ المَوتِ ضاحِيَةً
فَالنارُ مَوعِدُها وَالقَتلُ لاقيها
3. You are rabble gathered without lineage
Has the nation of disbelief deluded you with its sorceries?
٣. أَنتُم أَحابيشُ جُمِّعتُم بِلا نَسَبٍ
أَإِمَّةُ الكُفرِ غَرَّتكُم طَواغيها
4. Why have you not considered the horses of Allah when they met
The people of Qalib and those he brought against them?
٤. هَلّا اِعتَبَرتُم بِخَيلِ اللَهِ إِذ لَقِيَت
أَهلَ القَليبِ وَمَن أَردَينَهُ فيها
5. How many captives have we freed without ransom
And cut the napes of those we used to protect?
٥. كَم مِن أَسيرٍ فَكَكناهُ بِلا ثَمَنٍ
وَجَزِّ ناصِيَةٍ كُنّا مَواليها