
The wilderness has made the monastery dreary

أوحش الجنبذان فالدير منها

1. The wilderness has made the monastery dreary
So it is poor, and the dwelling forbidden

١. أَوحَشَ الجُنبُذانَ فَالدَيرُ مِنها
فَقُراها فَالمَنزِلُ المَحظورُ

2. I dwell in the desert as long as you stay in the desert
So when you come, the presence is pleasant

٢. أَسكُنُ البَدوَ ما أَقَمتِ بِبَدوٍ
فَإِذا ما حَضَرتِ طابَ الحُضورُ

3. What is the sweetest life in which you are not
Or is there in it bliss and happiness

٣. أَيُّ عَيشٍ أَلَذُّهُ لَستِ فيهِ
أَو تُرى نِعمَةٌ بِهِ وَسُرورُ