
Do not deprive a man whose hatred has made you

لا تعدمن رجلا أحلك بغضه

1. Do not deprive a man whose hatred has made you
Live miserably like a mean coward.

١. لا تَعدَمَن رَجُلاً أَحَلَّكَ بُغضُهُ
نَجرانَ في عَيشٍ أَحَذَّ لَئيمِ

2. Your canal was tested in wars, so it became
Empty and hollow with fasting and asceticism.

٢. بُلِيَت قَناتُكَ في الحُروبِ فَأُلفِيَت
خَمّانَةً جَوفاءَ ذاتَ وُصومِ

3. God was angry with Zabra and his son
And a lasting torment in life remains.

٣. غَضَبُ الإِلَهِ عَلى الزَبَعرى وَاِبنِهِ
وَعَذابُ سوءٍ في الحَياةِ مُقيمِ