1. As for courage, I do not blame them;
They are neither noble nor do I risk harming them.
١. أَمّا الحِماسُ فَإِنّي غَيرُ شاتِمِهِم
لا هُم كِرامٌ وَلا عِرضي لَهُم خَطَرُ
2. A base people whose number Allah has diminished,
Like insects falling around an empty camel pen.
٢. قَومٌ لِئامٌ أَقَلَّ اللَهُ عِدَّتَهُم
كَما تَساقَطَ حَولَ الفَقحَةِ البَعَرُ
3. When they appeared before people, their smell
Was like that of dogs soaked by rain.
٣. كَأَنَّ ريحَهُمُ في الناسِ إِذ بَرَزوا
ريحُ الكِلابِ إِذا ما بَلَّها المَطَرُ
4. Descendants of Ham will never have equals
Except monkeys with shaggy hair on their shoulders.
٤. أَولادُ حامٍ فَلَن تَلقى لَهُم شَبَهاً
إِلّا التُيوسَ عَلى أَكتافِها الشَعَرُ
5. They produced no worthy branches that make them remembered
Until the vitex bush produces sweet camomile.
٥. لَم يُنبِتوا فَرعَ خَيرٍ يُذكَرونَ بِهِ
حَتّى يُنَبِّتَ عودَ النَبعَةِ الكَمَرُ
6. Whether they excel or are shunned, flee or amass,
Or proliferate without equal.
٦. إِن سابَقوا سُبِقوا أَو نافَروا نُفِروا
أَو كاثَروا أَحَداً مِن غَيرِهِم كُثِروا
7. Like slave women, without religion or lineage;
Had they gambled with blacks, they would have been cheated.
٧. شِبهُ الإِماءِ فَلا دينٌ وَلا حَسَبٌ
لَو قامَروا الزَنجَ عَن أَحسابِهِم قُمِروا
8. You will find the brave man does not prevent you his inviolability,
Like the Nabateans, if enslaved, they endure.
٨. تَلقى الحِماسِيَّ لا يَمنَعكَ حُرمَتَهُ
شِبهَ النَبيطِ إِذا اِستَعبَدتَهُم صَبَروا