
Did the sons of Al-Liqa'a rejoice

هل سر أولاد اللقيطة أننا

1. Did the sons of Al-Liqa'a rejoice
When we were, at dawn, lances for Al-Miqdad?

١. هَل سَرَّ أَولادَ اللَقيطَةِ أَنَّنا
سِلمٌ غَداةَ فَوارِسِ المِقدادِ

2. We were eight while they were a horde
Rough, who failed with spears of misfortune.

٢. كُنّا ثَمانِيَةً وَكانوا جَحفَلاً
لَجِباً فَشُلّوا بِالرِماحِ بَدادِ

3. Were it not for Him whom her eagles met
At the south of Sayya yesterday feeding,

٣. لَوْلا الّذي لاقَت وَمَس نُسورَها
بِجَنوبِ سايَةَ أَمسِ بِالتَقوادِ

4. Who destroyed their battalions and glistened their backs
A day when they are driven and a day pursued,

٤. أَفنى دَوابِرَها وَلاحَ مُتونَها
يَومٌ تُقادُ بِهِ وَيَومُ طِرادِ

5. You would have met us carrying every armed man
Protector of the truth, glorious like forefathers.

٥. لَلَقينَكُم يَحمِلنَ كُلَّ مُدَجَّجٍ
حامي الحَقيقَةِ ماجِدِ الأَجدادِ

6. We were the messengers who preceded you
When you unleashed the reins of every steed.

٦. كُنّا مِنَ الرَسَلِ الَّذينَ يَلونَكُم
إِذ تَقذِفونَ عِنانَ كُلِّ جَوادِ

7. No, by the Lord of those swaying to Minna
And the bringers of sacrifices on litter,

٧. كَلّا وَرَبِّ الراقِصاتِ إِلى مِنىً
وَالجائِبينَ مَخارِمَ الأَطوادِ

8. Until we train horses in your horse-pastures
And return with the queens and children,

٨. حَتّى نُبيلَ الخَيلَ في عَرَصاتِكُم
وَنَؤوبَ بِالمَلِكاتِ وَالأَولادِ

9. Boasting of every coward and sly one
In every battlefield we turned and valley,

٩. زَهواً بِكُلِّ مُقَلِّصٍ وَطِمِرَّةٍ
في كُلِّ مُعتَرَكٍ عَطَفنَ وَوادِ

10. So our steeds are high-spirited
And war is kindled with the winds of misfortune,

١٠. فَكَذاكَ إِنَّ جِيادَنا مَلبونَةٌ
وَالحَربُ مُشعَلَةٌ بِريحِ غَوادِ

11. Our white-bladed swords flash
The madness of iron and resolve of the frequenter of the battlefields.

١١. وَسُيوفُنا بيضُ الحَدائِدِ تَجتَلي
جُنَنَ الحَديدِ وَهامَةَ المُرتادِ

12. God took a vow against them for violating His taboo
And the Honour of the Merciful with contracts.

١٢. أَخَذَ الإِلَهُ عَلَيهِمُ لِحَرامِهِ
وَلِعِزَّةِ الرَحمَنِ بِالأَسدادِ

13. They were living comfortably in a house but were changed
To faces of monkeys and servants of Jurud.

١٣. كانوا بِدارٍ ناعِمينَ فَبُدِّلوا
أَيّامَ ذي قَرَدٍ وُجوهَ عِبادِ