
Poetry is but the heart's urge that prompts one

وإنما الشعر لب المرء يعرضه

1. Poetry is but the heart's urge that prompts one
To recite it in assemblies, wise or dull,

١. وَإِنَّما الشِعرُ لُبُّ المَرءِ يَعرِضُهُ
عَلى المَجالِسِ إِن كَيساً وَإِن حُمُقا

2. And the most eloquent line of verse you've said
Is that whose truth is vouched for when recited.

٢. وَإِنَّ أَشعَرَ بَيتٍ أَنتَ قائِلُهُ
بَيتٌ يُقالَ إِذا أَنشَدتَهُ صَدَقا