1. Has not the eye let fall its tears
As the tears gushed and drained away?
١. أَلَم تَذَرِ العَينُ تَسهادَها
وَجَريَ الدُموعِ وَإِنفادَها
2. It recalls the abandoned encampment
And the abodes of tents and tent pegs.
٢. تَذَكَّرُ شَعثاءَ بَعدَ الكَرى
وَمُلقى عِراصٍ وَأَوتادَها
3. When a raincloud from the spring clouds
Passes through its courtyard and rains on it,
٣. إِذا لَجِبٌ مِن سَحابِ الرَبيعِ
مَرَّ بِساحَتِها جادَها
4. Our dwellings stand, propped up,
Bending under the weight they bear,
٤. وَقامَت تُراثيكَ مُغدَودِناً
إِذا ما تَنوءُ بِهِ آدَها
5. With the face of a delicate, startled gazelle
That listens intently with pricked-up ears.
٥. وَوَجهاً كَوَجهِ الغَزالِ الرَبيبِ
يَقرو تِلاعاً وَأَسنادَها
6. So night drove it toward the latter part of the night,
Fearing a relentless, evil watcher.
٦. فَأَوَّبَهُ اللَيلُ شَطرَ العِضاهِ
يَخافُ جَهاماً وَصُرّادَها
7. If I die, do not marry again,
One who fails his tribe, envious of its glory.
٧. فَإِمّا هَلَكتُ فَلا تَنكِحي
خَذولَ العَشيرَةِ حَسّادَها
8. He sees praise as blame, faulting their honor,
Foolishly, hating those who lead them.
٨. يَرى مِدحَةً شَتمَ أَعراضِها
سَفاهاً وَيُبغِضُ مَن سادَها
9. If they blame him once
And the camel bitch turns away, spending the night apart,
٩. وَإِن عاتَبوهُ عَلى مِرَّةٍ
وَنابَت مُبَيِّتَةٌ زادَها
10. One like me can bear it, but I task myself
With what has spoiled it.
١٠. وَمِثلي أَطاقَ وَلَكِنَّني
أُكَلِّفُ نَفسي الَّذي آدَها
11. I will give the tribe what it tried to get
From me and belie its sending me away.
١١. سَأوتي العَشيرَةَ ما حاوَلَت
إِلَيَّ وَأُكذِبُ إِبعادَها
12. I will endure if my love turns from me
And strike with the sword whoever schemes against it.
١٢. وَأَحمِلُ إِن مَغرَمٌ نابَها
وَأَضرِبُ بِالسَيفِ مَن كادَها
13. Yathrib knows we are lions in it
Who shake the dust off their manes.
١٣. وَيَثرِبُ تَعلَمُ أَنّا بِها
أُسودٌ تُنَفِّضُ أَلبادَها
14. We hurl the spears in the breasts of the valorous heroes
Until we shatter their tent posts.
١٤. نَهُزُّ القَنا في صُدورِ الكُما
ةِ حَتّى نُكَسِّرِ أَعوادَها
15. When they flock together and rally their confederates
And people mass in crowds,
١٥. إِذا ما اِنتَشَوا وَتَصابى الحُلو
مُ وَاِحتَلَبَ الناسُ أَحشادَها
16. The wrongdoers said to the righteous,
“Evil will recoil upon him who does evil.”
١٦. وَقالَ الحَواضِنُ لِلصالِحي
نَ عادَ لَهُ الشَرُّ مَن عادَها
17. We made bliss a protection against misery
And we were pillars against adversity.
١٧. جَعَلنا النَعيمَ وِقاءَ البُؤو
سِ وَكُنّا لَدى الجَهدِ أَعمادَها
18. We kill on the day of battle with the sword
Among the brigades, striking its leaders.
١٨. نُقَتِّلُ يَومَ الوَغى بِالصَفي
حِ بَينَ الكَتيبَةِ قُوّادَها
19. Every day we have a raid against the Aus
In which we kill their knights.
١٩. وَفي كُلِّ يَومٍ لَنا غارَةٌ
عَلى الأَوسِ نَقتُلُ آسادَها
20. You see us with cheeks marked white
By the dust as we don our armor for war.
٢٠. تَرانا مِنَ البيضِ سُفعَ الخُدودِ
نَلبَسُ لِلحَربِ أَسبادَها