
Ah, would that in it I had witnessed the son of Tariq,

ألا ليتني فيها شهدت ابن طارق

1. Ah, would that in it I had witnessed the son of Tariq,
And Zayd, but what use are wishes, or Murthad?

١. أَلا لَيتَني فيها شَهِدتُ اِبنَ طارِقٍ
وَزَيداً وَما تُغني الأَماني وَمَرثَدا

2. I would have defended my beloved Khubayb and 'Asim,
And it would have been a cure had I embraced Khalid.

٢. وَدافَعتُ عَن حِبَّي خُبَيبٍ وَعاصِمٍ
وَكانَ شِفاءً لَو تَدارَكتُ خالِدا