1. If you were from the Hashimite clan or the Banu Asad
Or the servants of Shams or the people of spears and hunting
١. لَو كُنتَ مِن هاشِمٍ أَو مِن بَني أَسَدٍ
أَو عَبدِ شَمسٍ أَو اَصحابِ اللِوا الصيدِ
2. Or from the tribe of Nawfal or the family of Muttalib
By God, your worth! You would not threaten me
٢. أَو مِن بَني نَوفَلٍ أَو رَهطِ مُطَّلِبٍ
لِلَّهِ دَرُّكَ لَم تَهمُم بِتَهديدي
3. Or from the elite tribe endowed with glory
You would not become dejected, one with a severed neck today
٣. أَو مِن سَرارَةُ أَقوامٍ أُلي حَسَبٍ
لَم تُصبِحِ اليَومَ نِكساً ثانيَ الجِيدِ
4. Or from the praiseworthy Tha’laba clan of Taym
Or the green, valiant sons of Jumah
٤. أَو في الذُؤابَةِ مِن تَيمٍ رَضيتُ بِهِم
أَو مِن بَني جُمَحَ الخُضرِ الجَلاعيدِ
5. Or you were from the flowers of heroes who knew
Or from the progeny of Khalaf, people of glory
٥. أَو كُنتَ مِن زُهرَةَ الأَبطالِ قَد عَلِموا
أَو مِن بَني خَلَفِ الزُهرِ الأَماجيدِ
6. O clan of Taym, will not your fool
Be forbidden from the likes of insults
٦. يا آلَ تَيمَ أَلا يُنهى سَفيهُكُمُ
قَبلَ القِذافِ بِأَمثالِ الجَلاميدِ
7. So forbid him, for I will not let you be
If what was shaken in the ground stirs again
٧. فَنَهنِهوهُ فَإِنّي غَيرُ تارِكُكُم
إِن عادَ ما اِهتَزَّ ماءٌ في ثَرى عودِ
8. If not for the Messenger, I would not disobey him
Until he buries me under the sands
٨. لَولا الرَسولُ فَإِنّي لَستُ عاصِيَهُ
حَتّى يُغَيِّبُني في الرَمسِ مَلحودي
9. The companion of the cave, I will protect him
And Talha son of Ubayd Allah the generous
٩. وَصاحِبُ الغارِ إِنّي سَوفَ أَحفَظُهُ
وَطَلحَةُ بنُ عُبَيبِ اللَهِ ذي الجودِ
10. I have cast vile, disgraceful words
That would leave the sensible people disgusted
١٠. لَقَد قَذَفتُ بِها شَنعاءَ فاضِحَةً
يَظَلُّ مِنها لَبيبُ القَومِ كَالمودي
11. But I will divert them and make them just
For you, with composed speech without threat
١١. لَكِن سَأَصرِفُها جُهدي وَأَعدِلُها
عَنكُم بِقَولٍ رَصينٍ غَيرِ تَهديدِ
12. To Zubayr, for the villain has allied with him
Or the wicked from the offspring of ‘Aboud
١٢. إِلى الزَبَعرى فَإِنَّ اللُؤمَ حالَفَهُ
أَوِ الأَخابِثِ مِن أَولادِ عَبّودِ