1. The sons of Najjar knew well that I
Defend the tribe with my sharp sword
١. لَقَد عَلِمَت بَنو النَجّارِ أَنّي
أَذودُ عَنِ العَشيرَةِ بِالحُسامِ
2. I shamed the faulty rhymes
With arrows at the stubborn foes
٢. وَقَد قَلَّدتُ مِن خِزيِ القَوافي
بَني سَهمٍ عَلى رَغمِ الرِغامِ
3. And gave the slanderers a collar
Until the day of reckoning and feud
٣. وَقَلَّدتُ الدَعِيَّ لَهُم شَناراً
إِلى يَومِ التَغابُنِ وَالخِصامِ
4. Zib'ara knew well without ignorance
That a slave is owned by the dove nest's sons
٤. وَقَد عَلِمَ الزِبَعرى غَيرَ جَهلٍ
بِأَنَّ العَبدَ عَبدُ بَني حُمامِ
5. When attributed to his father or protected
He has no honor compared to the highborn
٥. أَبوهُ حينَ يُنسَبُ أَو يُحامي
فَلَيسَ لَدى المَكارِمِ بِالمُسامي
6. At the call of a group who were altogether
Like donkey teeth from the bit coral
٦. لِدَعوَةِ مَعشَرٍ كانوا جَميعاً
كَأَسنانِ الحِمارِ مِنَ السَنامِ
7. You were patient with humiliation while I was free
From the carpenter, the solid bones, and the sand dunes
٧. صَبَرتَ عَلى الهَوانِ وَكُنتُ حُرّاً
مِنَ النَجّارِ وَالقُحَمِ العِظامِ
8. The sons of war and support when it poured
And the arrogance fertilized it for revenge
٨. بَنو الحَربِ العَوانِ إِذا اِقمَطَرَّت
وَلَقَّحَها الكُماةُ عَلى اِنتِقامِ