
'Amrah gathered together an age, so be inventive

أجمعت عمرة صرما فابتكر

1. 'Amrah gathered together an age, so be inventive
For only restrictions soften the heart

١. أَجمَعَت عَمرَةُ صُرماً فَاِبتَكِر
إِنَّما يُدهِنُ لِلقَلبِ الحَصِر

2. Do not let this love of yours be exposed
This is not for you, O 'Amr, in secret

٢. لا يَكُن حُبُّكَ هَذا ظاهِراً
لَيسَ هَذا مِنكَ يا عَمرَ بِسِر

3. Hasan asked, "Who are my maternal uncles?"
One is only asked about what is obscure

٣. سَأَلَت حَسّانَ مَن أَخوالُهُ
إِنَّما يُسأَلُ بِالشَيءِ اغُمُر

4. I said, "My uncles are the Banu Ka'b if
The heroes submit the flaws of the backsides

٤. قُلتُ أَخوالي بَنو كَعبٍ إِذا
أَسلَمَ الأَبطالُ عَوراتِ الدُبُر

5. Many a maternal uncle I have, if you saw him
Of supple gait in the day of warfare

٥. رُبَّ خالٍ لِيَ لَو أَبصَرتَهُ
سَبِطِ المِشيَةِ في اليَومِ الخَصِر

6. By this abode, while its dweller
Has a face brightly complexioned and free

٦. عِندَ هَذا البابِ إِذ ساكِنُهُ
كُلُّ وَجهٍ حَسَنِ النُقبَةِ حُرّ

7. He kindles the fire when it goes out
He readies the pot with bundles of sticks

٧. يوقِدُ النارَ إِذا ما أُطفِئَت
يُعمِلُ القِدرَ بِأَثباجِ الجُزُر

8. Who does fate deceive or feel safe from it
After a lifetime and becoming old?

٨. مَن يَغُرُّ الدَهرُ أَو يَأمَنُهُ
مِن قَبيلٍ بَعدَ عَمرٍ وَحُجُر

9. Two kings, from the snow-covered mountain to
The two sides of a doe, of 'Abd and free

٩. مَلَكا مِن جَبَلِ الثَلجِ إِلى
جانِبَي أَيلَةَ مِن عَبدٍ وَحُرّ

10. Then they were the best two who obtained bounty
They surpassed people in fairness and righteousness

١٠. ثُمَّ كانا خَيرَ مَن نالَ النَدى
سَبَقا الناسَ بِإِقساطٍ وَبِرّ

11. My two horsemen, when the sand-hill
Doe seizes their steed's hem

١١. فارِسَي خَيلٍ إِذا ما أَمسَكَت
رَبَّةُ الخِدرِ بِأَطرافِ السِتِر

12. They came to the horsemen in their abode
And after protecting them, they cudgeled them

١٢. أَتَيا فارِسَ في دارِهِمِ
فَتَناهَوا بَعدَ إِعصامٍ بِقُرّ

13. Then they cried, "O Ghassan, be patient
It is a day of my ordeal, so be patient"

١٣. ثُمَّ صاحا يالَ غَسّانَ اِصبِروا
إِنَّهُ يَومُ مَصاليتَ صُبُر

14. Make the Protected One your oath
With pure striking, not vile

١٤. اِجعَلوا مَعقِلَها أَيمانَكُم
بِالصَفيحِ المُصطَفى غَيرِ الفُطُر

15. With blows the jinn give permission to it
And stabbing like the mouths of hawks

١٥. بِضِرابٍ تَأذَنُ الجِنُّ لَهُ
وَطِعانٍ مِثلِ أَفواهِ الفُقُر

16. And indeed those who fought us know
That we benefit a leg and make it flourish

١٦. وَلَقَد يَعلَمُ مَن حارَبَنا
أَنَّنا نَنفَعُ قِدماً وَنَضُرّ

17. Patience for death if it befalls us
Truthful in might, cavaliers of pride

١٧. صُبُرٌ لِلمَوتِ إِن حَلَّ بِنا
صادِقو البَأسِ غَطاريفُ فُخُر

18. And glory and wealth remained with us
So for us over people is grandeur

١٨. وَأَقامَ العِزُّ فينا وَالغِنى
فَلَنا مِنهُ عَلى الناسِ الكُبُر

19. Among them is my lineage, so who prides himself in it?
People recognize the pride of the proud

١٩. مِنهُمُ أَصلي فَمَن يَفخَر بِهِ
يَعرِفِ الناسُ لِفَخرِ المُفتَخِر

20. We are the people of glory and honor together
Without decline or difficult deviation

٢٠. نَحنُ أَهلُ العِزِّ وَالمَجدِ مَعاً
غَيرُ أَنكاسٍ وَلا ميلٍ عُسُر

21. So ask about us and our deeds
Every people with knowledge of news'

٢١. فَسَلوا عَنّا وَعَن أَفعالِنا
كُلَّ قَومٍ عِندَهُم عِلمُ الخَبَر