
When Ibn Abbas's face appears to you

إذا ما ابن عباس بدا لك وجهه

1. When Ibn Abbas's face appears to you
You see in all his states excellence

١. إِذا ما اِبنُ عَبّاسٍ بَدا لَكَ وَجهُهُ
رَأَيتَ لَهُ في كُلِّ أَحوالِهِ فَضلا

2. When he speaks he leaves no saying for any speaker
With disjointed things between which there is no connection

٢. إِذا قالَ لَم يَترُك مَقالاً لِقائِلٍ
بِمُلتَقَطاتٍ لا تَرى بَينَها فَصلا

3. It sufficed and healed what was in the souls so he left
No jesting or serious talk for one with doubt

٣. كَفى وَشَفى ما في النُفوسِ فَلَم يَدَع
لِذي إِربَةٍ في القَولِ جَدّاً وَلا هَزلا

4. You rose to the heights without hardship
And attained its high parts not lowly and not strenuously

٤. سَمَوتَ إِلى العَليا بِغَيرِ مَشَقَّةٍ
فَنِلتَ ذُراها لا دَنِيّاً وَلا وَغلا

5. You were created with a nature for love and friendship
Affable and you were not created ignorant or rude

٥. خُلِقتَ خَليقاً لِلمَوَدَّةِ وَالنَدى
فَليجاً وَلَم تُخلَق كَهاماً وَلا جَهلا