
Our ancestor Qahtan was truly a noble chief

لقد كان قحطان العلا القرم جدنا

1. Our ancestor Qahtan was truly a noble chief
He held high office in Jafnah of the kingdom famed

١. لَقَد كانَ قَحطانَ العُلا القَرمَ جَدُّنا
لَهُ مَنصِبٌ في يافِعِ المُلكِ يُشهَرُ

2. He grasped the stars of fortune if he stretched his palm
The fists of others drooped and were ashamed

٢. يَنالُ نُجومَ السَعدِ إِن مَدَّ كَفَّهُ
تُفَلُّ أَكُفٌّ عِندَ ذاكَ وَتَقصُرُ

3. From him we inherited glory and courage bold
He of lofty soul whom Rumah's summits name

٣. وَرِثنا سَناءً مِنهُ بَرزاً وَمَحتِداً
مُنيفَ الذَرى فَخمَ الأَرومَةِ يُذكَرُ