1. A group helped the Quraysh though in their own land they have no ally
They were given the Book but lost it, so from the Torah they are blind and bleary
١. تَفاقَدَ مَعشَرٌ نَصَروا قُرَيشاً
وَلَيسَ لَهُم بِبَلدَتِهِ نَصيرُ
2. You disbelieved in the Quran though it was brought, confirming what the warner had to say
It burned among the dwellings of Bani Lu'ayy, a raging blaze, far and wide it strayed
٢. هُمُ أوتوا الكِتابَ فَضَيَّعوهُ
فَهُم عُميٌ مِنَ التَوراةِ بورُ
٣. كَفَرتُم بِالقُرانِ وَقَد أُتيتُم
بِتَصديقِ الَّذي قالَ النَذيرُ
٤. لَهانَ عَلى سَراةِ بَني لُؤَيٍّ
حَريقٌ بِالبُوَيرَةِ مُستَطيرُ