
The wine cup was passed to her, as was her habit,

أشرت لكاع وكان عادتها

1. The wine cup was passed to her, as was her habit,
When drunk, she would curse her God and husband with the unbelievers,

١. أَشِرَت لَكاعِ وَكانَ عادَتَها
لُؤمٌ إِذا أَشِرَت مَعَ الكُفرِ

2. She brought out a dancing girl to Ohud,
Embracing her lustfully in front of the noble men,

٢. لَعَنَ الإِلَهُ وَزَوجَها مَعَها
هِندَ الهُنودِ طَويلَةَ البَظرِ

3. A chaste, honorable man who could not be scolded or deterred,
Your walking stick you lean on to act piously,

٣. أَخرَجتِ مُرقِصَةً إِلى أُحُدٍ
في القَومِ مُعنِقَةً عَلى بَكرِ

4. Hit the shameless one, naked of virtue,
Her buttocks and vulva ruptured,

٤. بَكرٍ ثَفالٍ لا حَراكَ بِهِ
لا عَن مُعاتَبَةٍ وَلا زَجرِ

5. From being penetrated forcefully again and again,
Her companion tended to her wounds,

٥. وَعَصاكَ إِستُكِ تَتَّقينَ بِها
دَقَّ العُجايَةَ عارِيَ الفِهرِ

6. Washing them with water and myrtle,
You came visiting eagerly,

٦. قَرِحَت عَجيزَتُها وَمَشرَجُها
مِن نَصِّها نَصّاً عَلى القَهرِ

7. On the day of Badr, insulting your father and son,
And your uncle who was robbed of his armor,

٧. ظَلَّت تُداويها زَميلَتُها
بِالماءِ تَنضَحُهُ وَبِالسِدرِ

8. And your two brothers lying dead in the trench,
And you forgot your own disgraceful act,

٨. أَقبَلتِ زائِرَةً مُبادِرَةً
بِأَبيكِ وَاِبنِكِ يَومَ ذي بَدرِ

9. Oh Hind! Woe to the vileness of fate,
You returned humiliated, without a tent peg,

٩. وَبِعَمِّكَ المَسلوبِ بِزَّتَهُ
وَأَخيكَ مُنعَفِرَينِ في الجَفرِ

10. From what you had sought, not even a tent rope,
The mother of bastards claimed she gave birth,

١٠. وَنَسيتَ فاحِشَةً أَتَيتِ بِها
يا هِندُ وَيحَكِ سُبَّةَ الدَهرِ

11. To a small child, who was born of fornication.

١١. فَرَجَعتِ صاغِرَةً بِلا تِرَةٍ
مِمّا طَلَبتِ بِها وَلا وَترِ

١٢. زَعَمَ الوَلائِدُ أَنَّها وَلَدَت
وَلَداً صَغيراً كانَ مِن عَهرِ