1. I exerted myself to be kind to all people,
From me, kindness without limit.
١. آلَيتُ جميعِ النّاسِ مجْتهِداً
مِنّي أَلِيَّةَ بَرٍّ غَيرِ إِفنادِ
2. By Allah, no female has carried or given birth
To the like of the Prophet, the messenger of mercy and guidance.
٢. تَاللَهِ ما حَمَلَت أُنثى وَلا وَضَعَت
مِثلَ النَبِيِّ رَسولِ الرَحمَةِ الهادي
3. Nor has Allah created among his creation
One more true to the covenant of a neighbor or an appointment.
٣. وَلا بَرا الله خلْقاً مِنْ بَريّتِهِ
أَوفى بِذِمَّةِ جارٍ أَو بِميعادِ
4. Than he who was a light by which
Blessed affairs, resolute and guiding, were illuminated.
٤. مِنَ الَّذي كانَ نوراً يُستَضاءُ بِهِ
مَبارَكَ الأَمرِ ذا حَزمٍ وَإِرشادِ
5. Confirming the prophets who passed before,
And who was most generous of people in benevolence to the needy.
٥. مُصَدِّقاً لِلنَبِيِّينَ الأُلى سَلَفوا
وَأَبذَلَ الناسِ لِلمَعروفِ لِلجادي
6. The best of creations - I was a close companion
Then I became like one solitary and calling aloud.
٦. خَيرَ البَرِيَّةِ إِنّي كُنتُ في نَهَرٍ
جارٍ فَأَصبَحتُ مِثلَ المُفرَدِ الصادي
7. Your wives have neglected their homes, so they
Do not strike above the neck's nape with a veil.
٧. أَمسى نِساؤُكَ عَطَّلنَ البُيوتَ فَما
يَضرِبنَ فَوقَ قَفا سِترٍ بِأَوتادِ
8. Like nuns they don cloaks, yet they
Are certain of misery after comfort has perished.
٨. مِثلَ الرَواهِبِ يَلبَسنَ المُسوحَ وَقَد
أَيقَنَّ بِالبُؤسِ بَعدَ النِعمَةِ البادي