
The clans of Wail and Waqif

بنو وائل وبنو واقف

1. The clans of Wail and Waqif
And Khathamah beneath the tribes of Khazraj

١. بَنو وائِلٍ وَبَنو واقِفٍ
وَخَطمَةُ دونَ بَني الخَزرَجِ

2. Whenever their foolishness and woe call out
With her screams and death draws near

٢. مَتى ما دَعَت سَفَهاً وَيحَها
بِعَولَتِها وَالمَنايا تَجي

3. She shook a glorious young man whose veins
Were generous in attack and retreat

٣. فَهَزَّت فَتىً ماجِداً عِرقُهُ
كَريمَ المَداخِلِ وَالمَخرَجِ

4. So he stained her with blood in abundance
After quiet, and felt no shame

٤. فَضَرَّجَها مِن نَجيعِ الدِماءِ
بَعدَ الهُدوءِ فَلَم يَحرَجِ

5. May God grant you, chilled wine
Generous in the blessing of the Provider

٥. فَأَورَدَكَ اللَهَ بَردَ الجِنانِ
جَذلانَ في نِعمَةِ المَولِجِ