1. The sons of Najjar knew well that I
Defend the clan with my sharp sword.
١. لَقَد عَلِمَت بَنو النَجّارِ أَنّي
أَذودُ عَنِ العَشيرَةِ بِالحُسامِ
2. And I have left in my arrows a vengeance
Until the day of reckoning and strife.
٢. وَقَد أَبقَيتُ في سَهمٍ عُلوباً
إِلى يَومِ التَغابُنِ وَالخِصامِ
3. So do not boast, for long ago
Your like were vanquished by Ham's clan.
٣. فَلا تَفخَر فَقَد غَلَبَت قَديماً
عَلَيكَ مَشابِهٌ مِن آلِ حامِ
4. You are not of Qusaia's noble line,
Nor of lofty Zuhra's pride when contending.
٤. فَلَستَ إِلى الذَوائِبِ مِن قُصَيٍّ
وَلا في عِزِّ زُهرَةَ إِذ تُسامي
5. Nor are you of Amr's sons, nor a scion
Of honored Makhzum's noble lineage.
٥. وَلا في الفَرعِ مِن أَبناءِ عَمروٍ
وَلا في فَرعِ مَخزومِ الكِرامِ
6. So cease your railing against Qusaia's sons,
For you have tried the mettle of Haram's sons.
٦. فَأَقصِر عَن هِجاءِ بَني قُصَيٍّ
فَقَد جَرَّبتَ وَقعَ بَني حَرامِ