
Sleeplessness is caused by worries at night,

منع النوم بالعشاء الهموم

1. Sleeplessness is caused by worries at night,
And by fantasies when stars grow dim.

١. مَنَعَ النَومَ بِالعَشاءِ الهُمومُ
وَخَيالٌ إِذا تَغورُ النُجومُ

2. Of a beloved who has left your heart diseased,
A hidden malady dwelling within.

٢. مِن حَبيبٍ أَصابَ قَلبَكَ مِنهُ
سَقَمٌ فَهوَ داخِلٌ مَكتومُ

3. O my people, does one like me get killed?
I'm feeble in strength, my bones are frail.

٣. يا لَقَومي هَل يَقتُلُ المَرءَ مِثلي
واهِنُ البَطشِ وَالعِظامِ سَؤومُ

4. Her mind is on perfume and bed, mounted high,
With necklaces of pearls, finely formed and pale.

٤. هَمُّها العِطرُ وَالفِراشُ وَيَعلو
ها لِجَينٌ وَلُؤلُؤٌ مَنظومُ

5. If the lizard crawls over her, she would lament it,
And her cheeks would be furrowed and lined.

٥. لَو يَدِبُّ الحَولِيُّ مِن وَلَدِ الذَر
رِ عَلَيها لَأَندَبَتها الكُلومُ

6. The sun hasn't enlightened her with anything,
Except that youth doesn't last or bide.

٦. لَم تَفُقها شَمسُ النَهارِ بِشَيءٍ
غَيرَ أَنَّ الشَبابَ لَيسَ يَدومُ

7. My uncle is the spokesman of Jabiyah's tribe,
When Nu'man takes his seat and presides.

٧. إِنَّ خالي خَطيبُ جابِيَةِ الجَو
لانِ عِندَ النُعمانِ حينَ يَقومُ

8. And my father is the accomplished poet
On the day opponents bicker and chide.

٨. وَأَبي في سُمَيحَةَ القائِلُ الفا
صِلُ يَومَ اِلتَفَّت عَلَيهِ الخُصومُ

9. His words flow with eloquence, his opinion
Valued, though from the folks he resides.

٩. يَصِلُ القَولَ بِالبَيانِ وَذو الرَأ
يِ مِنَ القَومِ ظالِعٌ مَكعومُ

10. And I'm the falcon at the door of Salma's son,
While Nu'man stays put in his abodes.

١٠. وَأَنا الصَقرُ عِندَ بابِ اِبنِ سَلمى
يَومَ نُعمانُ في الكُبولِ مُقيمُ

11. My father and uncle set me free.
Then we left while their locks are destroyed.

١١. وَأُبَيٌّ وَواقِدٌ أُطلِقا لي
ثُمَّ رُحنا وَقُفلُهُم مَحطومُ

12. And I disowned them altogether,
Each palm filled with a divided share.

١٢. وَرَهَنتُ اليَدَينِ عَنهُم جَميعاً
كُلُّ كَفٍّ فيها جُزٌ مَقسومُ

My lineage threaded their houses,

١٣. وَسَطَت نِسبَتي الذَوائِبَ مِنهُم
كُلُّ دارٍ فيها أَبٌ لي عَظيمُ

14. Each home with a father great for me.
How much forbearance is lost by lack of wealth,

١٤. رُبَّ حِلمٍ أَضاعَهُ عَدَمُ الما
لِ وَجَهلٍ غَطّى عَلَيهِ النَعيمُ

15. And ignorance covers prosperity!
I care not if a goat bleats sorrow at me,

١٥. ما أُبالي أَنَبَّ بِالحُزنِ تَيسٌ
أَم لَحاني بِظَهرِ غَيبٍ لَئيمُ

16. Or if a despicable sneak sneers at me from behind.
Don't you dare insult me, for you're not my insulter.

١٦. لا تَسُبَّنَّني فَلَستَ بِسَبّي
إِنَّ سَبّي مِنَ الرِجالِ الكَريمُ

17. My insulter is one of generous kind.
Those are our deeds, unlike Al-Zabarra's acts,

١٧. تِلكَ أَفعالُنا وَفِعلُ الزَبَعرى
خامِلٌ في صَديقِهِ مَذمومُ

18. Lethargic towards his maligned friend.
And the people had supporters among them when you came,

١٨. وَلِيَ الناسَ مِنهُمُ إِذ حَضَرتُم
أُسرَةٌ مِن بَني قُصَيٍّ صَميمُ

19. A family of Bani Qusay, pillars and beam.
Nine who carry the banner and soared,

١٩. تِسعَةٌ تَحمِلُ اللِواءَ وَطارَت
في رِعاعٍ مِنَ القَنا مَخزومُ

20. Against the riffraff of Qana, deprecated and mean.
They didn't waver until they all perished,

٢٠. لَم يُوَلّوا حَتّى أُبيدوا جَميعاً
في مَقامٍ وَكُلُّهُم مَذمومُ

21. In a standstill, while each one is blamed.
Their blood was forbidden, but they were protective

٢١. بِدَمٍ عاتِكٌ وَكانَ حِفاظاً
أَن يُقيموا إِنَّ الكَريمَ كَريمُ

22. To stand their ground, for the generous is the same.
And they stood fast until they were torn to pieces,

٢٢. وَأَقاموا حَتّى أُزيروا شُعوباً
وَالقَنا في نُحورِهِم مَحطومُ

23. With Qana's spears in their breasts left maimed.
While Quraysh takes refuge with us,

٢٣. وَقُرَيشٌ تَلوذُ مِنّا لِواذاً
لَم يُقيموا وَخَفَّ مِنها الحُلومُ

24. Not holding their ground, their courage defamed.
The matrons couldn't bear its weight,

٢٤. لَم تُطِق حَملَهُ العَواتِقُ مِنهُم
إِنَّما يَحمِلُ اللِواءَ النُجومُ