
The stealthy drinker of wine, in poverty submerged,

ومسترق النخامة مستكين

1. The stealthy drinker of wine, in poverty submerged,
Who keeps his drinking secret, his words disguised,

١. وَمُستَرِقِ النُخامَةِ مُستَكينٍ
لِوَقعِ الكَأسِ مُختَلِسِ البَيانِ

2. By the Kaaba I vowed, and all the idols there,
By every image worshipped with offerings of wine,

٢. حَلَفتُ لَهُ بِما حَجَّت قُرَيشٌ
وَكُلِّ مُشَعشَعٍ مِل خَمرِ آنِ

3. You'll face the morning soon, though now you turn away,
And if love's fever burned me, its cure was your wine,

٣. لَتَصطَبِحَن وَإِن أَعرَضتَ عَنها
وَلَو أَنّي بِحيبَتِهِ سَقاني

4. You drank two rounds, and said, “Give me more and pour!”
The wine flowed into veins and arteries,

٤. فَطافَت طَوفَتَينِ فَقالَ زِدني
وَدَبَّت في الأَخادِعِ وَالبَنانِ

5. I knew not where it led, until the morn we woke,
And the third round galloped off with reason's rein,

٥. فَلَم أَعرِف أَخي حَتّى اِصطَبَحنا
ثَلاثاً فَاِنبَرى خَذِمَ العِنانِ

6. Then voices rose, and hands reached out to serve,
As though we sat enthralled by wine again,

٦. فَلانَ الصَوتُ فَاِنبَسَطَت يَداهُ
وَكانَ كَأَنَّهُ في الغُلِّ عانِ

7. All garments gone but one, no sale, no shame,
A clanless orphan, stripped of honor's robe.

٧. وَراحَ ثِيابُهُ الأَولى سِواها
بِلا بَيعٍ أُمَيمَ وَلا مُهانِ