
Troubles crept insidiously to my abode like arrows

سرت الهموم بمنزل السهم

1. Troubles crept insidiously to my abode like arrows,
Piercing me to the bone and penetrating to the marrow.

١. سَرَتِ الهُمومُ بِمَنزِلِ السَهمِ
إِذ كُنَّ بَينَ الجِلدِ وَالعَظمِ

2. Regretting the lapses of my former days,
When I wallowed in the mire of sin and crime.

٢. نَدَماً عَلى ما كانَ مِن زَلِلٍ
إِذ كُنتُ في فَنَنٍ مِنَ الإِثمِ

3. Bewildered in the darkest night, losing my way,
Importing the canons of injustice and wrong.

٣. حَيرانَ يَعمَهُ في ضَلالَتِهِ
مُستَورِداً لِشرائِعِ الظُلمِ

4. Blinded by the clan of Jumah,
As the tribe of Suhaym closed ranks around me.

٤. عَمَهٌ يَزينَهُ بَنو جُمَحٍ
وَتوازَرَت فيهِ بَنو سَهمِ

5. But now, after that hardness of heart,
My bone believes, and after it my flesh believes,

٥. فَاليَومَ آمَنَ بَعدَ قَسوَتِهِ
عَظمي وآمنَ بَعدَهُ لَحمي

6. In Muhammad and the truth he brought,
The exemplar of reason and wise decree.

٦. بِمُحَّمَدٍ وَبِما يَجيءُ بِهِ
مِن سُنَّةِ البُرهانِ وَالحُكمِ