
Behold! For God is a tribe whose sister bore

ألا لله قوم و

1. Behold! For God is a tribe whose sister bore
Hisham and Abu Abd Munaf, repeller of opponents,

١. أَلا لِلَّهِ قَومٌ و
لِدَت أُختُ بي سَهمِ

2. And he of the two spears, powers combined and decisive,
These two ward off, and that one who shoots arrows

٢. هِشامٌ وَأَبو عَبدِ
مُنافٍ مِدرَهُ الخَصمِ

3. From a strong bow, lions made fierce for tearing apart,
And they on the day of Okaz prevented people from fleeing,

٣. وَذو الرُمحَينِ أَشباكَ
عَلى القُوَّةِ وَالحَزمِ

4. And they who begot are similar in lineage
To the magnificent and great family,

٤. فَهَذانِ يَذودانِ
وَذا مِن كَثَبٍ يَرمى

5. So if I swear by God and the house of God I swear not falsely,
There are no brothers between the palaces of Syria and Al-Radm

٥. أُسودٌ تَزدَهي الأَقرا
نَ مُنّاعونَ لِلهَضمِ

6. More righteous than the sons of Rayta or heavier in forbearance

٦. وَهُم يَومَ عُكاظٍ مَ
نَعوا الناسَ مِنَ الهَزمِ

٧. وَهُم مَن وَلَدوا أَشبوا
بِسِرِّ الحَسَبِ الضَخمِ

٨. فَإِن أَحلّف وَبَيتِ اللَ
هِ لا أَحلِفُ عَن إِثمِ

٩. لَما مِن إِخوَةٍ بَينَ
قُصورِ الشَأمِ وَالرَدمِ

١٠. بِأَزكى مِن بَني رَيطَ
ةٍ أَو أَوزنَ في الحِلمِ