
Revive the abodes whose features time has erased

حي الديار محا معارف رسمها

1. Revive the abodes whose features time has erased
Despite the long ravages and revolving epochs

١. حيِّ الديارَ مَحا مَعارِفَ رَسمِها
طولَ البِلى وَتَراوُحُ الأَحقابِ

2. As though the Jews inscribed its lines
Save the synagogue and builder of the spider's web

٢. فَكَأَنَّما كَتبَ اليَهودُ رُسومَها
إِلّا الكَنيفَ وَمُعقِدَ الأَطنابِ

3. Desolate as if you never frolicked there
In bounty and intimate gatherings of loved ones

٣. قَفراً كَأَنَّكَ لَم تَكُن تَلهو بِها
في نِعمَةٍ بِأَوانسٍ أَترابِ

4. Forget the past life
And home behind the dwelling long collapsed

٤. فَاِترُك تَذَكُّرَ ما مَضى من عِيشَةٍ
وَمَحِلَّةٍ خَلَفِ المَقامِ يَبابِ

5. Remember instead the company of fellows and thank them
Together they left from the idols

٥. وَاِذكُر بَلاءَ مَعاشِرٍ وَاِشكُرهُم
ساروا بِأَجمَعِهم مِنَ الأَنصابِ

6. Idols of Mecca, their goal Yathrib
Through empty barren tracts and twisting canyons

٦. أَنصابِ مَكَّةَ عامِدينَ لِيثرِبٍ
في ذىِ غَياطِلَ جَحفَلٍ جَبجابِ

7. Leaving the saddened familiar routes
Through every open plain and winding valley

٧. يَدعُ الحُزونَ مَناهِجا مَعلومَةً
في كُلِّ نَشزٍ ظاهِرٍ وِشعابِ

8. Where the steeds gallop wildly
With bulging stomachs and outstretched necks

٨. فيهِ الجيادُ شَوازِبٌ مَجنونَةٌ
قُبُّ البُطونِ لَواحِقُ الأَقرابِ

9. Of every smooth and fully shorn sorrel
Like the master brandishing his sword to heads turned away

٩. مِن كُلِّ سَلهَبَةٍ وَأَجرَدَ سَلهَبٍ
كَالسيدِ بادَر غَفلَةَ الرُقابِ

10. An army with Uyainah leading its banners
And Sakhra commanding the factions

١٠. جَيشٌ عُيينةُ قاصِدٌ بِلوائِهِ
فيهِ وَصَخرٌ قائِدُ الأَحزابِ

11. Like two full moons they appeared
A rain for the poor and refuge for the dispossessed

١١. قَرمانِ كَالبَدرينِ أَصبَحَ فيهما
غَيثُ الفَقيرِ وَمَعقِلُ الهُرّابِ

12. Until they reached Medina and returned
To death every experienced warrior

١٢. حَتّى إِذا وَرَدوا المَدينَةَ وَاِرتَدَوا
لِلمَوتِ كُلَّ مَجّرَّب قَضّابِ

13. For ten months suppressing Muhammad
And his companions the finest of comrades

١٣. شَهراً وَعشراً قاهِرينَ مُحَمَّداً
وَصِحابُهُ في الحَربِ خَيرُ صِحابِ

14. They declared one morn their departure
"We almost joined them!" you exclaimed

١٤. نادَوا بِرحلَتِهم صَبيحَةَ قُلتُمُ
كِدنا نَكونُ بِها مَعَ الخُيّابِ

15. Were it not for the trenches many corpses
Would have been left for the birds and beasts

١٥. لَولا الخَنادِقُ غادَروا مِن جَمعِهم
قَتلى لِطَيرٍ سُغَّبٍ وَذِئابِ