1. Then if he is inclined to either extreme
He paws the ground, digging like one searching a pit
ูก. ุซูู
ูู ุฅูู ูููุฒูุน ุฅููู ุฃููุตุงููู
ููุฎุจูุทู ุงูุฃูุฑุถู ุงูุฎุชูุจุงุทู ุงูู
2. Skittish when his bridle slips off,
Shying from whatever wonโt stand still.
ูข. ุฃูููุฒู ุฅูุฐ ุฎูุฑูุฌูุช ุณููููุชููู
ูููููุงู ููู
ูุณูุญููู ู
ุง ููุณุชูููุฑูู
3. We have tried him out on difficult terrain
And on flat, easy ground.
ูฃ. ููุฏ ุจูููููุงูู ุนูููู ุนูููุงุชููู
ููุนููู ุงูุชููุณูุฑู ู
ูููู ููุงูุถููู
4. When we startle him some day nearby,
He is lively as a sparkling firebrand.
ูค. ููุฅูุฐุง ููุฌูุงูู ูููู
ุงู ุจุงุฏููุงู
ููุญูุถูุงุฑู ููุงูุถููุฑุงู
ู ุงูู
5. When we fence in his ample body
And control him, consequence and effect follow.
ูฅ. ููุฅูุฐุง ููุญูู ุญูู
ูุตูุง ุจูุฏูููู
ููุนูุตูุฑูุงูู ููุนููุจู ููุญูุถูุฑู
6. He compounds tension on tension as
A pouring rain compounds a deluge.
ูฆ. ููุคููููู ุงูุดููุฏูู ุนููู ุงูุดููุฏูู ููู
ุญูููุดู ุงูููุงุจููู ุบููุซู ู
7. The foxโs character is to sneak in his running,
And the squirrel, when you startle it, scurries furtively.
ูง. ุตูููุฉู ุงูุซููุนููุจู ุฃูุฏููู ุฌูุฑูููู
ููุฅูุฐุง ููุฑููุถู ููุนูููุฑู ุฃูุดูุฑู
8. When you alarm a young hare, it can barely
Be stopped except by force.
ูจ. ููููุดุงุตูููู ุฅูุฐุง ุชููุฒูุนููู
ููููุฏ ูููุฌูู
ู ุฅูููุง ู
ุง ููุณูุฑู
9. And it is as if, whenever we ride him out,
We seek game with an unmanageable goshawk
ูฉ. ููููุฃูููุง ูููููู
ุง ููุบุฏูู ุจููู
ููุจุชูุบู ุงูุตููุฏู ุจูุจูุงุฒู ู
10. Or a fierce, darting falcon
Which the bowman has provoked to fury.
ูกู . ุฃูู ุจูู
ูุฑููุฎู ุนูููู ุดูุฑูุงููุฉู
ุญูุดูููู ุงูุฑููุงู
ูู ุจูุธููุฑูุงูู ุญูุดูุฑู
11. He has a will of his own; then when you subdue him
He is gentle, sweet-tempered, and easy going
ูกูก. ุฐู ู
ูุฑูุงุญู ููุฅูุฐุง ูููููุฑุชููู
ููุฐููููู ุญูุณููู ุงูุฎููููู ููุณูุฑู
12. Among racers that vie with himโ
Crooked, big-jointed mares with thick ankles.
ูกูข. ุจูููู ุฃููุฑูุงุณู ุชููุงุฌูููู ุจููู
ุฃูุนูููุฌูููุงุชู ู
ูุญุงุถููุฑู ุถูุจูุฑู
13. And many a dark-lipped she-camel,
Fleet, of unmixed stock, had sported with me,
ูกูฃ. ููููููุฏ ุชูู
ุฑูุญู ุจู ุนููุฏูููุฉู
ุฑูุณููุฉู ุงูุณูููู
ู ุณูุจููุชุงุฉู ุฌูุณูุฑู
14. Which racers train, then when they are worn out,
Are sold off to pay the debt of anxiety.
ูกูค. ุฑุงุถููุง ุงูุฑููุงุฆูุถู ุซูู
ูู ุงูุณุชูุนููููุช
ููููุฑูู ุงูููู
ูู ุฅูุฐุง ู
ุง ููุญูุชูุถูุฑู
15. A camel that miscarries or aborts
From which no baby camel is weaned.
ูกูฅ. ุจุงุฒููู ุฃูู ุฃูุฎููููุช ุจูุงุฒููููุง
ุนุงููุฑู ููู
ููุญูุชูููุจ ู
ูููุง ููุทูุฑู
16. She is wary of the earth and the pebblesโ sorrows
With a glossy, unmarked sole.
ูกูฆ. ุชูุชูููู ุงูุฃูุฑุถู ููุตููููุงูู ุงูุญูุตูู
ุจูููููุงุญู ู
ูุฑู ุบููุฑู ู