1. Her radiance is dazzling white
Captivating the eye, inebriating, bright
١. راقَهُ مِنها بَياضٌ ناصِعٌ
يُؤْنِقُ العَينَ وَضافٍ مُسبَكِرّْ
2. She destroys resolve when she's in sight
And when she glances, sparks take flight
٢. تَهلِكُ المِدرَاةُ في أَفنائِهِ
فَإِذا ما أَرسَلَتهُ يَنعَفِرْ
3. Her hair is curled in ringlets slight
On a head so large, majestic in its height
٣. جَعدَةٌ فَرعاءُ في جُمجُمَة
ضَخمَةٍ تَفرُقُ عَنها كَالضُّفُرْ
4. Haughty, yet her arrogance took root
Among women who all others did outshine
٤. شاذِخٌ غُرَّتُهَا مِن نِسوَةٍ
كُنَّ يَفضُلنَ نِسَاءَ النَّاسِ غُرّْ
5. Eyes wanton, sly, and acute
Ensnare the lost, the addicts drunk on wine
٥. وَلَهَا عَينَا خَذُولٍ مُخرِفٍ
تَعلَقُ الضَّالَ وَأَفنانَ السَّمُرْ
6. When she laughs, her laughter does reveal
Jeweled teeth imprisoned, shining like steel
٦. وَإِذا تَضحَكُ أَبدَى ضِحْكُها
أُقْحُواناً قَيَّدَتهُ ذَا أُشُرْ
7. Were it infused, you'd think it pure honey
Aged on snow, chilled round the waist so lean
٧. لَو تَطَعَّمْتَ بِهِ شَبَّهتَهُ
عَسَلاً شِيبَ بِهِ ثَلجٌ خَصِرْ
8. Cheeks soft, neck long and supple, lovely
Bosom high, no flaw in between
٨. صَلتَةُ الخَدِّ طَويلٌ جِيدُها
ناهِدُ الثَدْيِ وَلَمَّا يَنكَسِرْ
9. A nose like a spear tips her vestment fine
Over smooth skin, not a seam is seen
٩. مِثلُ أَنفِ الرِّئمِ يُنبِي دِرْعَها
في لَبَانٍ بَادِنٍ غَيرِ قَفِرْ
10. She's plump, holds back, her greed a blight
Thick where the skirt's tied tight
١٠. فَهْيَ هَيفَاءُ هَضِيمٌ كَشحُهَا
فَخْمَةٌ حَيثُ يُشَدُّ المُؤتَزَرْ
11. Her ample thighs bring favor from the knight
Calf met calf in succession tight
١١. يَبْهَظُ المِفضَلَ مِن أَردَافِهَا
ضَفِرٌ أُردِفَ أَنقَاءَ ضَفِرْ
12. When she walks to join her friends outside
She barely takes a step before both thighs collide
١٢. وَإِذا تَمشِي إِلَى جارَاتِها
لَم تَكَد تَبلُغُ حَتّى تَنبَهِرْ
13. Her substantial legs both thrust aside
Swaying just like a hillside eroded inside
١٣. دَفَعَت رَبلَتُهَا رَبلَتَهَا
وَتَهادَتْ مِثْلَ مَيلِ المُنْقَعِرْ
14. Approaching she seems unrefined and wide
Heavy, lurching from side to side
١٤. وَهْيَ بَدَّاءُ إِذا ما أَقبَلَت
ضَخمَةُ الجِسْمِ رَدَاحٌ هَيدَكُرْ
15. Seventy lashes against her leg won't bend
But when she's had enough, the whip does rend
١٥. يُضْرَبُ السَّبْعُونَ في خَلْخالِهَا
فَإِذا ما أَكرَهَتهُ يَنكَسِرْ
16. She was raised by a mother honest and kind
And a father rightly just, neither blind nor unkind
١٦. نَاعَمَتْهَا أُمُّ صِدْقٍ بَرَّةٌ
وَأَبٌ بَرٌّ بِها غَيرُ حَكِرْ