1. The stream springs from its source
As does arrogance and greatness from it
١. وَلِيَ النَّبعَةُ مِن سُلَّافِها
وَلِيَ الهامَةُ مِنها وَالكُبُرْ
2. As does the sword brandished
Be the sword long or short
٢. وَلِيَ الزَّندُ الَّذي يُورَى بِهِ
إِن كَبا زَندُ لَئيمٍ أَو قَصُرْ
3. And I am the one mentioned among its youth
For good deeds if deeds are mentioned
٣. وَأَنا المَذكُورُ مِن فِتيَانِها
بِفَعالِ الخَيرِ إِن فِعلٌ ذُكِرْ
4. I know the truth so I don't deny it
And my dogs are companions, not biters
٤. أَعرِفُ الحَقَّ فَلا أُنكِرُهُ
وَكِلابِي أُنُسٌ غَيرُ عُقُرْ
5. You won't see my dog except being friendly
Even if a night prowler comes unnoticed at night
٥. لا ترى كَلبِيَ إِلَّا آنِساً
إِن أَتَى خابِطُ لَيلٍ لَمْ يَهِرّْ
6. Many people came but they don't reject
A sword seeking good and free
٦. كَثُرَ النَّاسُ فَما يُنكِرُهُمْ
مِن أَسِيفٍ يَبتَغِي الخَيْرَ وَحُرّْ
7. Do you know the house or are ignorant of it
Between Tabarak and Fashshay Abqur
٧. هَل عَرَفْتَ الدارَ أَمْ أَنكَرْتَهَا
بَيْنَ تِبْرَاكٍ فَشَسَّيْ عَبَقُرّْ
8. The torrents dragged their hems towards it
And the valleys' paths led to it at dawn
٨. جَرَّرَ السَّيلُ بِها عُثنُونَهُ
وَتَعَفَّتْها مَدَاليجُ بُكُرْ
9. Quarrelling over it until it leveled
In the heated summer months with bursting springs
٩. يَتَقارَضْنَ بِها حَتّى اِستَوَت
أَشهُرَ الصَيفِ بِسَافٍ مُنفَجِرْ
10. You see ruins of it that have faded
Like the script line in the revelation of scripture
١٠. وَتَرى مِنها رُسُوماً قَد عَفَت
مِثلَ خَطِّ اللامِ في وَحيِ الزُبُرْ
11. We see the white within like the red
Time did not betray them, dreadful
١١. قَد نَرَى البِيضَ بِها مِثلَ الدُّمى
لَم يَخُنهُنَّ زَمَانٌ مُقشَعِرّْ
12. Frolicking in the slumber of forenoon
Restrained by shyness and guarded chastity
١٢. يَتَلَهَّينَ بِنَومَاتِ الضُّحى
راجِحَاتِ الحِلمِ وَالأُنسِ خُفُرْ
13. Plucked steps of gait, nearby paces
Bodies like laden clouds low and heavy
١٣. قُطُفَ المَشيِ قَرِيبَاتِ الخُطَى
بُدَّناً مِثلَ الغَمَامِ المُزمَخِرّْ
14. They visit each other like partridges
And sweet life they enjoy, not bitter
١٤. يَتَزَاوَرْنَ كَتَقْطاءِ القَطَا
وَطَعِمْنَ العَيشَ حُلواً غَيرَ مُرّْ
15. They don't obey an accusing rebel
Who almost died from the intensity of blame
١٥. لَم يُطاوِعْنَ بِصُرْمٍ عاذِلاً
كادَ مِن شِدَّةِ لَوْم يَنْتَحِرْ
16. And the heart that was infatuated with
An image more beautiful than the wine's redness
١٦. وَهَوَى القَلبِ الَّذِي أَعْجَبَهُ
صورَةٌ أَحسَنُ مَن لاثَ الخُمُرْ