
What is with your ignorance after wisdom and religion

ما بال جهلك بعد الحلم والدين

1. What is with your ignorance after wisdom and religion
When gray hair has overcome you, when there is no time

١. ما بالُ جَهلِكَ بَعدَ الحِلمِ وَالدينِ
وَقَد عَلاكَ مَشيبٌ حينَ لا حينِ

2. For the singing girls, I do not cut off their connection
In the place of the latter ones and changers

٢. لِلغانِياتِ وِصالٌ لَستُ قاطِعَهُ
عَلى مَواعِدَ مِن خُلفٍ وَتَلوينِ

3. I truly fear confirming the slanderers about us
Or that a deviant would say to the resolve between me

٣. إِنّي لَأَرهَبُ تَصديقَ الوُشاةِ بِنا
أَو أَن يَقولُ غَوِيٌّ لِلنَوى بيني

4. What provokes you from a house you attack
Spirits of a piercing, passionate soul

٤. ماذا يَهيجُكَ مِن دارٍ تُباكِرُها
أَرواحُ مُختَرِقٍ هوجُ الأَفانينِ

5. Is it other than an inhabited, beautiful place in their homes
Or other than tender between the likeness of the beautiful women

٥. هَل غَيرُ نُإيٍ مُحيلٍ في مَنازِلِهِم
أَو غَيرُ أَورَقَ بَينَ المُثَّلِ الجونِ

6. The cattle walk slowly with it
Like the gait of the stubby one, they swore the oath of vulnerability

٦. يَمشي بِها البَقَرُ المَوشِيُّ أَكرُعُهُ
مَشيَ الهَرابِذِ حَجّوا بيعَةَ الزونِ

7. Submissive, hollow stems, their joints creaking
The hearts yellow from dreams and religion

٧. مُجاشِعٌ قَصَبٌ جوفٌ مَكاسِرُهُ
صِفرُ القُلوبِ مِنَ الأَحلامِ وَالدينِ

8. They shake their beards after their neighbors'
May Allah not bless those weaklings

٨. يُنَفِّشونَ لِحاهُم بَعدَ جارِهِمُ
لا بارَكَ اللَهُ في تِلكَ العَثانينِ

9. The Quraysh said and the neighbors are prohibited
Where are the disciples, O excellent fools

٩. قالَت قُرَيشٌ وَلِلجيرانِ مَحرَمَةٌ
أَينَ الحَوارِيُّ يا فَيشَ البَراذينِ

10. Truly, I lament the wilderness and it elevates me
To where Malik's hands fall short of reaching me

١٠. بِالحَقِّ أَندُبُ يَربوعاً وَتَرفَعُني
بِحَيثُ تَقصُرُ أَيدي مالِكٍ دوني

11. Do not fear after me the ignorance of the transgressors and their emptiness and my emptiness
If there were dreams in Tuhayyah, they would not have intercepted

١١. لا تَرهَبُنَّ وَراءِ ما حَيِيتُ لَكُم
جَهلَ الغُواةِ وَخَلّوهُم وَخَلّوني

12. That which I was throwing and throwing at me
We are those who caught up on the day of Dhi Najb

١٢. لَو في طُهَيَّةَ أَحلامٌ لَما اِعتَرَضوا
دونَ الَّذي كُنتُ أَرميهِ وَيَرميني

13. While the horses were calm like the saddle blankets
Tuhayyah has become like the madman in the helmet

١٣. نَحنُ الَّذينَ لَحِقنا يَومَ ذي نَجَبٍ
وَالخَيلُ ضابِعَةٌ مِثلُ السَراحينِ

14. And he would walk slowly, uncontrolled
I have a doctor and he has cooked his seasons

١٤. أَمسَت طُهَيَّةُ كَالمَجنونِ في قَرَنٍ
وَكانَ يَمشي بَطيئاً غَيرَ مَقرونِ

15. Branding Tuhayyah from the disease of the insane
Why does Ukbah the fast finder criticize me?

١٥. عِندي طَبيبٌ وَقَد أَحمى مَواسِمَهُ
يَكوي طُهَيَّةَ مِن داءِ المَجانينِ

16. O Lord, pass from an unknown place of filth
O Ukbah, I am of the people who have

١٦. ما بالُ عُقبَةَ خَضّافاً يُعَيِّبُني
يا رَبُّ آدَرَ مِن مَيثاءِ مَأفونِ

17. Favor upon you and grace that is not withheld

١٧. يا عُقبَ إِنّي مِنَ القَومِ الَّذينَ لَهُم
نُعمى عَلَيكَ وَفَضلٌ غَيرَ مَمنونِ