1. Journey on, though many a praiser cry
"This is misery for Banu Rabia's scions!"
١. سيروا فَرُبَّ مُسَبِّحينَ وَقائِلٍ
هَذا شَقاً لِبَني رَبيعَةَ باقي
2. O scions of Rabia, I but grieve for you
Harsh nature and refined sensibilities
٢. أَبَني رَبيعَةَ إِنَّما أَزرى بِكُم
نَكَدُ الجُدودِ وَدِقَّةُ الأَخلاقِ
3. Hubaira walks after his shaikh was killed
A walker with permission for divorce
٣. يَمشي هُبَيرَةُ بَعدَ مَقتَلِ شَيخِهِ
مَشيَ المُراسِلِ أُذِنَت بِطَلاقِ
4. What did you want of me when you flared up
My fire, and bared my leg up to the thigh?
٤. ماذا أَرَدتَ إِلَيَّ حينَ تَسَعَّرَت
ناري وَشَمَّرَ مِئزَري عَن ساقي
5. By your nostrils' slit, the brand is clear enough,
By your black face, O son of Umm Ifaq!
٥. إِنَّ القِرافَ بِمِنخَرَيكَ لَبَيِّنٌ
وَسَوادِ وَجهِكَ يا اِبنَ أُمِّ عِفاقِ