1. Alas! Do not the sons of Surad restrain the winds?
Our ropes are not tied to the winds.
١. أَلا يَنهى بَنو صُرَدٍ رِياحا
وَلَم تَعلَق حَبائِلُنا رِياحا
2. Then command your parents to blame you, my love,
Even if you heard your father's grave shriek.
٢. فَآمِر والِدَيكَ تَلُمكَ حُبّى
وَلَو أَسمَعتَ قَبرَ أَبيكَ صاحا
3. Alas! Do not your father's woe and people restrain you
Who were led to slaughter and chaos?
٣. أَلا يَنهاكَ وَيلُ أَبيكَ قَومٌ
سُقوا الذِيَفانَ فَبلَكَ وَالذُباحا