1. The mixture has cleared, so they bid farewell with gloom
And the mixture became pillars of support the next morning
١. بانَ الخَليطُ فَوَدَّعوا بِسَوادِ
وَغَدا الخَليطُ رَوافِعَ الأَعمادِ
2. Do not ask me what is wrong with me after
You provided me with the affliction of lovesickness as my provision
٢. لا تَسأَليني ما الَّذي بِيَ بَعدَما
زَوَّدتِني بِلِوى التَناضُبِ زادي
3. My worries have returned intensely and my pillow
Alas the land of intensity is not my land
٣. عادَت هُمومي بِالأَحَصِّ وِسادي
هَيهاتَ مِن بَلَدِ الأَحَصِّ بِلادي
4. I have fifteen nights of Jumada
I cannot sleep in bed
٤. لي خَمسَ عَشرَةَ مِن جُمادى لَيلَةً
ما أَستَطيعُ عَلى الفِراشِ رُقادي
5. And we seek refuge, our Master and the Master of others
I wish complaining was customary
٥. وَنَعوذُ سَيِّدَنا وَسَيِّدَ غَيرِنا
لَيتَ التَشَكِّيَ كانَ بِالعُوّادِ
6. To relieve the distress that has befallen
So he answered the prayer of a grateful praiser
٦. أَن يَكشِفَ الوَصَبَ الَّذي أَمسى بِهِ
فَأَجابَ دَعوَةَ شاكِرٍ مِحمادِ
7. Slave of Azeez, savior of every aggrieved
Delighting to your closeness and departure
٧. عَبدَ العَزيزِ غِياثَ كُلِّ مُعَصَّبٍ
مُتَرَوِّحٍ لِجَدا نَداكَ وَغادِ
8. And when the generous competed
You won the bet, surpassing every steed
٨. وَإِذا الكِرامُ تَبادَرَت سُبّاقُها
قَصَبَ الرِهانِ سَبَقتَ كُلَّ جَوادِ
9. Verily, when the spark's fires die out
Al Walid provides you with the best spark
٩. إِنَّ الزِنادَ إِذا خَبَت نيرانُهُ
أَورى الوَليدُ لَكُم بِخَيرِ زِنادِ
10. They erected the building, the family of Al Walid, and founded
A lofty structure reaching the heights of ‘Aad
١٠. رَفَعوا البِناءَ بَنو الوَليدِ وَأَسَّسوا
بُنيانَةً وَصَلَت أُرومَةَ عادِ
11. Whoever cannot find a pillar to support him
The family of Al Walid are my pillars and support
١١. مَن لَم يَجِد دَعَماً تُقيمُ عِمادَهُ
فَبَنو الوَليدِ دَعائِمي وَعِمادي
12. God has privileged you and granted you
A matter that gouges out the eyes of enviers
١٢. اللَهُ فَضَّلَكُم وَأَعطى مِنكُمُ
أَمراً يُفَقِّئُ أَعيُنَ الحُسّادِ