
Al-Farazdaq has been disgraced by his own misdeeds

إن الفرزدق أخزته مثالبه

1. Al-Farazdaq has been disgraced by his own misdeeds,
A daytime slave, by night an adulterous prowler.

١. إِنَّ الفَرَزدَقَ أَخزَتهُ مَثالِبُهُ
عَبدُ النَهارِ وَزاني اللَيلِ دَبّابُ

2. Do not satirize the Banu Qais, but if you thank them,
The base-born man insults the lofty branch.

٢. لا تَهجُ قَيساً وَلَكِن لَو شَكَرتَهُمُ
إِنَّ اللَئيمَ لَأَهلِ السَروِ عَيّابُ

3. Qais are fault-finders; do not satirize their horsemen,
For Hajib and Abul-Qa'qa are their lords.

٣. قَيسُ الطِعانِ فَلا تَهجو فَوارِسَهُم
لِحاجِبٍ وَأَبي القَعقاعِ أَربابُ

4. After the swords had cut into him, they set free
Amr ibn Amr, though in fetters were his legs.

٤. هُمُ أَطلَقوا بَعدَ ما عَضَّ الحَديدُ بِهِ
عَمروَ بنَ عَمروٍ وَبِالساقَينِ أَندابُ

5. They gave Usaydah a cloak to wear over her shift
By force; thus for her a coat of mail and cloak.

٥. أَدّوا أُسَيدَةَ في جِلبابِ أُمُّكُمُ
غَصباً فَكانَ لَها دِرعٌ وَجِلبابُ

6. Shameless in their youth, restraint they do not know,
No wisdom comes to them when their hair turns white.

٦. مُجاشِعٌ لا حَياءٌ في شَبيبَتِهِم
وَلا يَثوبُ لَهُم حِلمٌ إِذا شابوا

7. The worst milk-camel in her owner's eyes
Is one with teats that drip, whose udder sags.

٧. شَرُّ القُيونِ حَديثاً عِندَ رَبَّتِهِ
قَينا قُفَيرَةَ مَسروحٌ وَزَعّابُ

8. Do not give up questioning about Layla, for you
Are suspicious about Layla and the milk-camel.

٨. لا تَترُكوا الحَدَّ في لَيلى فَكُلُّكُمُ
مِن شَأنِ لَيلى وَشَأنِ القَينِ مُرتابُ

9. Ask Ghammah about the horses that witnessed it,
As though they were the lost camels of Taim.

٩. فَاِسأَل غَمامَةَ بِالخَيلِ الَّتي شَهِدَت
كَأَنَّهُم يَومَ تَيمِ اللاتِ غُيّابُ

10. But if Ghammah called our horsemen on the day
Of al-Waqit, they would not flee or run away.

١٠. لَكِن غَمامَةُ لَو تَدعو فَوارِسَنا
يَومَ الوَقيطُ لَما وَلّوا وَلا هابوا

11. They admit every disgrace, finding no fault at all;
Indeed, the fault is theirs, they sport and play.

١١. مُجاشِعٌ قَد أَقَرّوا كُلَّ مُخزِيَةٍ
لا مَن يَعيبونَ لا بَل فيهُمُ العابُ

12. The Quraysh said, after you wore out the land,
"You, Banu Raghwan, have no sound judgement."

١٢. قالَت قُرَيشٌ وَقَد أَبلَيتُمُ خَوراً
لَيسَت لَكُم يا بَني رَغوانَ أَلبابُ

13. Why did you not defend your neighbor with the bows
On the day the Sa'di met the foe amid ruins?

١٣. هَلّا مَنَعتُم مِنَ السَعدِيِّ جارَكُمُ
بِالعِرقِ يَومَ اِلتَقى بازٍ وَأَخرابُ

14. Make it short, for you gave no help against terror
When the ostrich-chick croaked at the wattled crane.

١٤. أَقصِر فَإِنَّكَ ما لَم تُؤنِسوا فَزَعاً
عِندَ المِراءِ خَسيفُ النوكِ قَبقابُ

15. Ask your tribe if mine did not smite
The confederates' army on the day of the packed squadron,

١٥. فَاِسأَل أَقَومُكَ أَم قَومي هُمُ ضَرَبوا
هامَ المُلوكِ وَأَهلُ الشِركِ أَحزابُ

16. Smashing armies on the day of Dhi Qar,
Where there were coats of mail, white blades, and warriors.

١٦. الضارِبينَ زُحوفاً يَومَ ذي نَجَبٍ
فيها الدُروعُ وَفيها البَيضُ وَالغابُ

17. Of us is Utaybah, so consider whom you will count as his equal,
And al-Harithan; and of us are the terrible lancers.

١٧. مِنّا عُتَيبَةُ فَاِنظُر مَن تُعِدُّ لَهُ
وَالحارِثانِ وَمِنّا الرَدفُ عَتّابُ

18. Of us are the horsemen on the day of Samad; theirs were
The slain, the captives, the plunder, and the booty.

١٨. مِنّا فَوارِسُ يَومِ الصَمدِ كانَ لَهُم
قَتلى وَأَسرى وَأَسلابٌ وَأَسلابُ

19. Ask Tamim who it was that breached their stronghold,
And the decisive horsemen when the door was battered.

١٩. فَاِسأَل تَميماً مَنِ الحامونَ ثَغرَهُمُ
وَالواجِلونَ إِذا ما قُعقِعَ البابُ