
Oh lively people of the insides before obstacles

ألا حي أهل الجوف قبل العوائق

1. Oh lively people of the insides before obstacles,
And before the fears of the departing beloved,

١. أَلا حَيِّ أَهلَ الجَوفِ قَبلَ العَوائِقِ
وَمِن قَبلِ رَوعاتِ الحَبيبِ المُفارِقِ

2. He irrigated the permitted and the insider who
Attacks the two graves towards the tall trees,

٢. سَقى الحاجِزَ المِحلالَ وَالباطِنَ الَّذي
يَشُنُّ عَلى القَبرَينِ صَوبَ الغَوادِقِ

3. And when we met the horses of Abjar they declared
With the claim of Lujaym, not the inclination of the old ladies,

٣. وَلَمّا لَقينا خَيلَ أَبجَرَ أَعلَنوا
بِدَعوى لُجَيمٍ غَيرَ ميلِ العَواتِقِ

4. We were patient with them and patience is from us a habit
With our swords under the shading shadows,

٤. صَبَرنا لَهُم وَالصَبرُ مِنّا سَجِيَّةٌ
بِأَسيافِنا تَحتَ الظِلالِ الخَوافِقِ

5. So when they saw that there was no peace between us
They called after hardship, "O Umayr ibn Tariq",

٥. فَلَمّا رَأَوا أَلّا هَوادَةَ بَينَنا
دَعَوا بَعدَ كَربٍ يا عُمَيرَ بنِ طارِقِ

6. And a supplier of anger to us, and were it not for our spears
In the land of enemies, he would not have turned towards the lightnings,

٦. وَمُبدٍ لَنا ضِغناً وَلَولا رِماحُنا
بِأَرضِ العِدى لَم يَرعَ صَوبَ البَوارِقِ

7. You knew the regret of kings and the bedding of carpets
For Atab and his crew against you,

٧. عَرَفتُم لِعَتّابٍ عَلَيكُم وَرَهطِهِ
نِدامَ المُلوكِ وَاِفتِراشَ النَمارِقِ

8. They are the ones entering the door, you do not enter it
To the king, and the protectors at the facts,

٨. هُمُ الداخِلونَ البابَ لا تَدخُلونَهُ
عَلى المَلكِ وَالحامونَ عِندَ الحَقائِقِ

9. And you are the dogs of hell, your faces are thrown
Away from good, you do not cover the door of the canopy,

٩. وَأَنتُم كِلابُ النارِ تُرمى وُجوهُكُم
عَنِ الخَيرِ لا تَغشَونَ بابَ السُرادِقِ

10. And we will protect you when the horses attack us
With evil and loss.

١٠. وَإِنّا لَنَحميكُم إِذا ما تَشَنَّعَت
بِنا الخَيلُ تَردي مِن شَنونٍ وَزاهِقِ