1. I became sad when youth departed
Would that those nights before had perished
١. أَمسَيتَ إِذ رَحَلَ الشَبابُ حَزينا
لَيتَ اللَيالِيَ قَبلَ ذاكَ فَنينا
2. Why do dwellings not respond, sorrowful?
Are they deaf or has time worn us out?
٢. ما لِلمَنازِلِ لا يُجِبنَ حَزينا
أَصَمِمنَ أَم قَدُمَ المَدى فَبَلينا
3. Desolate, their era passed into decay
So they lasted as months of years
٣. قَفراً تَقادَمَ عَهدَهُنَّ عَلى البِلى
فَلَبِثنَ في عَدَدِ الشُهورِ سِنينا
4. You see the maidens begin to blame me
When they desire but my passion disobedient
٤. وَتَرى العَواذِلَ يَبتَدِرنَ مَلامَتي
وَإِذا أَرَدنَ سِوى هَوايَ عُصينا
5. The maidens were early with blame after
The motley throng made clear with collision
٥. بَكَرَ العَواذِلُ بِالمَلامَةِ بَعدَما
قَطَعَ الخَليطُ بِساجِرٍ لِيَبينا
6. I became when youth was manifest, chance-taking
Would that those nights before had perished
٦. أَمسَينَ إِذ بانَ الشَبابُ صَوادِفاً
لَيتَ اللَيالِيَ قَبلَ ذاكَ فَنينا
7. Those who went forth with your heart left
And limping with your eye still aiding
٧. إِنَّ الَّذينَ غَدَوا بِلُبِّكَ غادَروا
وَشَلاً بِعَينِكَ ما يَزالُ مَعينا
8. They shed tears and said to me
What did you find of passion and we found?
٨. غَيَّضنَ مِن عَبَراتِهِنَّ وَقُلنَ لي
ماذا لَقيتَ مِنَ الهَوى وَلَقينا
9. The slanderers did make me stumble and they found
A confinement with your secret, O Umayma, grieving
٩. وَلَقَد تَسَقَّطَني الوُشاةُ فَصادَفوا
حَصِراً بِسِرِّكِ يا أُمَيمَ ضَنينا
10. I tasked the need of what I task concealed
Like the stern one in easiness, quitting
١٠. كَلَّفتُ حاجَةَ ما أُكَلِّفُ ضُمَّراً
مِثلَ القِسِيِّ مِنَ السَراءِ بُرينا
11. They went an evening going mentioned
Whether stirred stirred or guided guided
١١. روحوا العَشِيَّةَ رَوحَةً مَذكورَةً
إِن حِرنَ حِرنا أَو هُدينَ هُدينا
12. And they cast at them distracters expose of success
Whether extended extended or living lived
١٢. وَرَمَوا بِهِنَّ سَواهِماً عُرضَ الفَلا
إِن مُتنَ مُتنَ وَإِن حُيِينَ حُيِينا
13. Jesus you task every dusty departing
Folding the hems with tiredness and gloomy
١٣. عيسٌ تُكَلَّفُ كُلَّ أَغبَرَ نازِحٍ
يَطوي تَنائِفَ بِالمَلا وَحُزونا
14. Until worn from the carrion and it returned them
The distance of horizons like the stern, yearning
١٤. حَتّى بَلينَ مِنَ الوَجيفِ وَرَدَّها
بُعدُ المَفاوِزِ كَالقِسِيِّ حَنينا
15. The Ukhaydir begat women of Taghlib
They are the wicked with the wicked fed
١٥. وَلَدَ الأُخَيطِلَ نِسوَةٌ مِن تَغلِبٍ
هُنَّ الخَبائِثُ بِالخَبيثِ غُذينا
16. That which forbade honor Taghlib
Made the prophecy and the caliphate among us
١٦. إِنَّ الَّذي حَرَمَ المَكارِمَ تَغلِباً
جَعَلَ النُبُوَّةَ وَالخِلافَةَ فينا
17. Do you possess from the sanctuaries a sanctuary
Or testify with the call, ears?
١٧. هَل تَملِكونَ مِنَ المَشاعِرِ مَشعَراً
أَو تَشهَدونَ مَعَ الأَذانِ أَذينا
18. Mudar my father and father of kings so do you, Khazraj and Taghlib, have one like our father?
This is my cousin as caliph in Damascus
١٨. مُضَرٌ أَبي وَأَبو المُلوكِ فَهَل لَكُم
يا خُزرَ تَغلِبَ مِن أَبٍ كَأَبينا
19. If I wished I'd lead you to me fettered
١٩. هاذا اِبنُ عَمّي في دِمَشقَ خَليفَةً
لَو شِئتُ ساقَكُمُ إِلَيَّ قَطينا