
The dove cooed after we left, and the grouse

عفا ذو حمام بعدنا وحفير

1. The dove cooed after we left, and the grouse,
And the secret was openly declared by them and attended.

١. عَفا ذو حُمامٍ بَعدَنا وَحَفيرُ
وَبِالسِرِّ مَبدىً مِنهُمُ وَحُضورُ

2. You took the trouble not because you knew them,
Nor did joining them cost you much effort.

٢. تَكَلَّفتَها لا دانِياً مِنكَ وَصلُها
وَلا صَرمُها شَيءٌ عَلَيكَ يَسيرُ

3. If God safely delivers the messengers at dawn,
And the rhymes flow guided and wander,

٣. لَئِن يُسلِمِ اللَهُ المَراسيلَ بِالضُحى
وَمَرُّ القَوافي يَهتَدي وَيَجورُ

4. You will convey to the Bani Nabhan my poems
That overlook Salmah while they moan and croon,

٤. تُبَلِّغ بَني نَبهانَ مِنّي قَصائِداً
تَطالَعُ مِن سَلمى وَهُنَّ وُعورُ

5. And the one-eyed poet of Nabhan howls, while below him
Is a dark, obscure night.

٥. وَأَعوَرَ مِن نَبهانَ يَعوي وَدونَهُ
مِنَ اللَيلِ بابا ظُلمَةٍ وَسُتورِ

6. He called out while alive as if dead, and if he dies,
After death this will be his resurrection.

٦. دَعا وَهوَ حَيٌّ مِثلَ مَيتٍ وَإِن يَمُت
فَهَذا لَهُ بَعدَ المَماتِ نُشورُ

7. I raised for him a flaming fire to give him light,
Its spark nearly flew up to the sky.

٧. رَفَعتُ لَهُ مَشبوبَةً يُهتَدى بِها
يَكادُ سَناها في السَماءِ يَطيرُ

8. When his sides were set alight, our fire laughed,
The loud hissing of the writhing snakes.

٨. فَلَمّا اِستَوى جَنباهُ ضاحَكَ نارَنا
عَظيمُ أَفاعي الحالِبَينِ ضَريرُ

9. The brother of misery ‒ his flesh separate from his bones ‒
Is disgraceful, while their brains bubble.

٩. أَخو البُؤسِ أَمّا لَحمُهُ عَن عِظامِهِ
فَعارٍ وَأَمّا مُخُّهُنَّ فَريرُ

10. So I said to our two servants, “Turn it,”
For the kindler of the night fire has arrived snarling.

١٠. فَقُلتُ لِعَبدَينا أَديرا رَحاكُما
فَقَد جاءَ زَحّافُ العَشِيِّ جَرورُ

11. The host, whose house the guests enter,
And the generous knows the rights of the lodgers.

١١. أَبو مَنزِلِ الأَضيافِ يَغشَونَ نارَهُ
وَيَعرِفُ حَقَّ النازِلينَ جَريرُ

12. When they do not recognize the gloom, she quickly smiles for them,
The swift glad tiding of conception comes trotting.

١٢. إِذا لَم يُدِرّوا عاتِماً عَطَفَت لَهُم
سَريعَةُ إِبشارِ اللِقاحِ دَرورُ

13. We found the Bani Nabhan to be the tails of Tayy,
And people have tails, as you can see.

١٣. وَجَدنا بَني نَبهانَ أَذنابَ طَيِّئٍ
وَلِلناسِ أَذنابٌ تُرى وَصُدورُ

14. You can see the dowry condition of their she-goats,
And for their she-goats they have dowries.

١٤. تَرى شَرَطَ المِعزى مُهورَ نِسائِهِم
وَفي قَزَمِ المِعزى لَهُنَّ مُهورُ

15. When the worthless tails of the Bani Thalabah
Arrive with the ponies of Salmah, fine and corrupt,

١٥. إِذا حَلَّ مِن نَبهانَ أَذنابُ ثَلَّةٍ
بِأَوشالِ سَلمى دِقَّةٌ وَفُجورُ

16. As for the one-eyed poet of Nabhan, his day
Is blind, while his night has sight.

١٦. وَأَعوَرَ مِن نَبهانَ أَمّا نَهارُهُ
فَأَعمى وَأَمّا لَيلُهُ فَبَصيرُ