
What is with the drinking of the people of Dalanta, steadfast

ما بال شرب بني الدلنطى ثابتا

1. What is with the drinking of the people of Dalanta, steadfast,
As if our watering place appears in the ruins,

١. ما بالُ شِربِ بَني الدَلَنطى ثابِتاً
وَكَأَنَّ وارِدَنا يُرى في تُرخَمِ

2. Tuyus inclined the people of Tuhayya after
It was watered, and the meadows of Al-A'lam did not get rain,

٢. عَطَفَت تُيوسُ بَني طُهَيَّةَ بَعدَما
رُوِيَت وَما نَهِلَت لِقاحُ الأَعلَمِ

3. It crossed the passes, so its yearning with the two plains became like bereavement,
If one like you of winds had settled among us

٣. صَدَرَت مُحَلَّأَةَ الجَوازِ فَأَصبَحَت
بِالثَأيَتَينِ حَنينُها كَالمَأتَمِ

4. As a neighbor, his neighborhood would have been sacred,
Prophecy was not found in winds

٤. لَو حَلَّ مِثلَكَ مِن رِياحٍ وَسطَنا
جاراً لَكانَ جِوارُهُ في مَحرَمِ

5. When being a neighbor or in the narrowness of the welcome,
Who robbed the tyrants, their courage magnified them,

٥. ما كانَ يوجَدُ في رِياحٍ نَبوَةٌ
عِندَ الجِوارِ وَلا بِضيقِ المَقدَمِ

6. And the horses paw the ground in dust and in blood,
And the horses tell of winds that they

٦. السالِبينَ عَنِ الجَبابِرِ بَزَّهُم
وَالخَيلُ تَحجُلُ في الغُبارِ وَفي الدَمِ

7. Are excellent knights in the darkest dust.

٧. وَالخَيلُ تُخبِرُ عَن رِياحٍ أَنَّهُم
نِعمَ الفَوارِسُ في الغُبارِ الأَقتَمِ